Saturday, February 27, 2010

Moving Into A Basement

The health

Tonight to Ales, the meeting of the Democratic Party on the issue of health Sardinia. All these, each with its prospects, ideas, expectations concerning a party a few weeks ago was given an operational structure. All related unequivocally to condemn the perverse logic of a break-up of the current health Sardinian regional government, with the dismantling of the health care plan that after twenty years saw the light in the island, is dangerously implementing. The crux of the debate could be summarized in one sentence of comment that someone has expressed toward the redesign of the same health care system: "better bring twenty patients by a doctor or a doctor for twenty patients?". It 'was a good opportunity to meet, help to the militants, simple exposition of some key issues for non-experts, significant for giving positive signs of vitality after long parenthesis of silence that the pd has lived at all levels in these last years.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Poofy Hot Pink Dresses

The Pd hypocrisy day in Port of Shadows - Giuseppe D'Avanzo

USUALLY discreet, the Rome prosecutor Giovanni Ferrara decided to speak in public. It is already a mistake. It should always speak to the judges of the facts. In the flesh of an inquiry or process, then it is only right that those facts are offered only in places designated for: the audience, the classroom. The arguments that the prosecutor committed worsen the picture. Ferrara can not find the courage and the humility to say at least sorry for what happened in his office and himself. He chose unwisely to the government of the department of crimes against the public administration a toga proved unfaithful, Achille Toro.

Achille Toro, it turns out, soothes, and truncates the investigation - it turns out - even to suspects drafts outcomes that are haunted by the scandal of Civil Protection. A good reason to regret his unhappy in public preference; of the incorruptibility of others reassure prosecutors undertake to understand what and why has not gone wrong, how to change page. Ferrara does not care about that. In Toro, the criticism that his behavior opens his attorney, Ferrara does not seem interested. Took the floor for another amazing work to do: blame the moves of the prosecutor of Florence, demolish the correctness of an investigation that shook the political world and the government reveals the habits combriccolari while hiding behind the "political emergency" .

His argument is evil: those prosecutors were not "competent". Should refrain from making any step because the hypothetical crimes were committed in Rome and the prosecution of the Capital is the sole authority to proceed. It is a radical complaint: that investigation is illegal and perhaps even illegal. Ferrara knows that survived the fall of the dictatorship and confusedly accommodated by the legislature, our code provides "an ideal breeding ground for the ideological conflicts of the operators." There is a place for managing and resolving these disputes is the Court of Cassation. It is the road, raising a public controversy and somewhat artificial even on the merits, Ferrara did not take. He wants a political controversy. Requests it. Press to discredit Florence destroying a politically sensitive work. The sortie of the high magistrate, with his silence on the misdeeds of Achille Toro and the clamor against the other attorney, revives at once the doubt and confusion surrounding a long time the prosecutor in Rome. Office quietist often, sometimes affected by the disease of conformity, almost intimidated by their independence.

That "disease," noted Peter Calamandrei, is nothing but an obsession that does not wait for external recommendations, but prevents, that does not bend to Pressing the power, but if the image is the satisfaction in advance. Often the mechanisms intellectual, emotional atmosphere, the corporate solidarity that can be seen in the office of Ferrara appear affected by the disease and the words seem arrogant to claim that ancient, bizarre, questionable claim - almost caste - Public Prosecutor of Rome to be the criminal court previously established by the Mighty: anywhere offenders, Roma loquitur. As was the case - remember Franco Cordero - ancien régime in France where "they were called Committimus the letters by which people date, avoiding the usual courts, brought an action before a supreme court."

There were therefore, in the morning, have good reason to worry and wonder if it is high time that the Rome prosecutors better cultivate its autonomy and independence from political power, but that happens in the afternoon to make ends grotesque, or "Italian" (you do), the case. Eighty deputies rebel against the move of their head. It convenes a meeting. Toni access, stringent assessments. It asks Ferrara to disprove what he is given or to accept the rebuke of a collective and public notice of its workforce. The result is a press tartufesco, incredibly also signed by Ferrara, where we read that the prosecutor of Florence "there is no clash" because "the professionalism of those colleagues is not at issue," that in Rome there is "distress "for what he has combined Achille Toro, but his infidelity does not stain the robes of others in an office that is cohesive and therefore do not distrust his head.

The note is a masterpiece of hypocrisy, The frail attempt to give an appearance of solidity and coherence fried air that leaves unresolved the sober mistrust that is nourished by the prosecutor in Rome. It is an apprehension that can not be changed in a day or a season. You can at least change the habits of that office immediately and open spaces to the many prosecutors who wish to do only the work that the Constitution assigns to them. It's up to these substitutes beat a blow to dispel the fog that can still be seen around that building. You must have confidence that this will happen soon.
