Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Is It Ok To Get A Star Tattoo For A Guy

When I said ...

About a year ago ... and everyone laughed ...

December 6, 2006
Few iPod Owners Are Big iTunes Buyers

Forrester's recent analysis of More Than 2.700 U.S. iTunes debit and credit card Transactions Reveals That 3% of Online Households made an iTunes purchase in the past year. Apple's iTunes Proves That $ 0.99 micropayments for digital music can lead Substantial revenue to; buyers Spent an average of $ 35 at iTunes over the past year. With half of all Transactions costing $ 3 or less, though, transaction fees threaten to make iTunes unprofitable. Since the introduction of the iTunes Music Store, Apple Has Been steadily selling just 20 iTunes tracks for Each iPod sold, suggesting That even at $ 0.99, Most Consumers Still Are not sold on the value of digital music.
(source: Forrester Research)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

White Spot On Gums By Where I Had A Tooth Pulled

and weeks of the bridge, too!

I was the star of last week, here. 6-12/12.
It seems to have been a great success.
are Bravin, eh?

It was also the week of the bridge .... Santambroeus

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Dental Sayings And Quotes

is also true for the woman, however

Bree confronts Orson with the police reports he and Carolyn Gave her Explains That He Never Hit His first wife, But When She Was Only defending Himself Attacked HIM. He says if Carolyn paid enough attention to her own marriage, Harvey Would Never Have Cheated on her with Some stewardess named Monique.

DH, season 3. Step 7. "Bang!"
Absolutely one of the finest and the best of the entire saga of the third series.
"And He Went with who? A stewardess named Monique. How clichèèd .. is not it?"
Speaking of clichés, however, do not think is true only for men.