Monday, December 24, 2007

Latest Actress For Listerine



Tuesday, November 13, 2007

How Do Women Feel In Spandex


Friday, November 9, 2007

Monster Energy Drink Belly Rings

The situation is widely gain

eur / usd from 14,505
STOXX50 long shorts or germany dax
4340 30 7949
FISB short shorts by 40,600
nasdaq shorts 2170

Friday, November 2, 2007

New Doujin Translations

eur / usd from 14,505
long rest unchanged

Monday, October 22, 2007

Pokemon Yaoi Doujishi

short EURUSD 14190

Sunday, October 21, 2007

How To Hak A Sidekick Lx

Someone reminded me of the Stoxx 50.

short course from the start is now at 4340, the rest unchanged.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Is Memory Gel Foam Good For Scoliosis

DAX Opening tomorrow SHORT

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

When Do You Feel Implantation Cramps

FISB short in opening 40,600 (I was long from 40086) + 514 points

NASDAQ short aa 2170 (I was long from 2130) 40 points

Stoxx 50 by 4450

long eur / usd long by 14150

Monday, October 15, 2007

Painful Urination During Menstruation

countermand this morning:

nasdaq short from 2170
FISB short opening

Can You Have Shingles Outbreak On Your Scalp/

I'm on these positions, I repeat, are daily and geometric.

Stoxx 50 by 4450
long eur / usd long from 14150 to 40860
FISB long long
nasdaq from 2130

tell you when to close and reopen a new position.

Friday, October 5, 2007

An Acrostic Poem On Penguins

Given the difficulty of many to follow the trading several contracts, a step to trading with only one contract, so trading signals mathematician, but trading signals geometric.

Stoxx 50
long above 4450 in 4400

short eur / usd short

long above 14,150 below 14,050

long above 40,860 below 40,650 short

long shorts in 2100 over 2130

Friday, September 14, 2007

Gay Cruising In Portland Or


A passion that was born a dozen years fa.Vorrei follow the changes of thought through the writings published on the first publication web.La: Microcourses trading Cosimo Antonio Gervasi has not read a myriad of books and made a myriad of courses and betrayed thousands of volte.Io how many of you recognize myself in this character commonly called TRADER.Ebbene will try to wrap these experiences in a handful of pages that can be a useful Microcourses for beginners. The first principle for those who are about to trade is the one that states that the losses must be stopped, while earnings should run them. Sounds easy, but not betraying è.Quando with fib I realized that I entered well, I was in profit, but then go back and I ended up fib perdere.Allora decided to implement this strategy: I entered and immediately put in 30 points and a profit a stop to 90.La theory was that it was easier to be hit in profit in loss.Infatti stop was so many wins and few perdite.Ma .............. The end result was negative as most of the experts will have immaginare.Tanti small gains, a few big losses are a result negativo.Quando trading you have four possibilities: small guadagnipiccole perditegrandi guadagnigrandi perditebasta eliminate one: The great losses and the result can only be positivo.Sembra but it is not easy ........... How many of you know this simple rule? and how many of you have regularly forgotten? I am the first to cast the first pietra.Finché we disregard these simple rule is best to refrain from operating in borsa.A This point is important to know the TREND.Per know the trend must look at the chart on various scanning time: minimum and maximum The growing trend is the decreasing trend and maximum positivo.Minimi negativo.Quando is talking about trends in the right place it should time.For scalping who does not care which for two years now we negativo.Mentre trend for those who make trading with daily data covers the trend of medium and short term giornalieri.Quindi with weekly data and the trend is established by a line joining two or more minimum for a positive trend of increasing or decreasing the maximum for two or more straight lines represent a trend negativo.Queste the support and resistance of the perforated trend.Un support becomes resistance, resistance becomes a perforated supporto.Questo is especially true when there is a pullback or the prices are to test support or resistance and then punched rimbalzano.Non there exists only when the trend, there is also the phase of congestion when prices in a given time have not taken any direzione.Anche during congestion can do good business with a different approach from the phases of trend.Infatti are two ways to operate: in contenimento.Le trend and moving averages are very suitable for trading at or negativo.Sono positive trend, however, not to be used during trading range (congestion) because we would buy and sell on the highest minimi.Ma which use moving averages? saying very clearly that there is no perfect moving average, that even if optimization is not guaranteed to work well for the future, I personally can give some information: in scalping use the average between 5 and 13 periods, in short trading are good averages between 14 and 25 cycles, in day trading are good averages between 26 and 50, in trading with weekly data and monthly averages are good for 50 300.Più to tell you how to use them in the medium and of revenue, in both outputs, both in the choice of the capital impiegare.Parecchi are the ways to enter the market are the major known: input on breakout of maximum or minimum; entry on double top triple double maximum or minimum triple minimum; entry on Pivot support and resistance, moving average crossing at entry, entry on a variety of support and resistance using the hook Ross 123.Ma or if the entry techniques are the most known techniques are output problemi.Quante pose many times have you eaten a gain for failing to uscire.Io many times that even I can ricordarle.L 'exit from the stop position in profit and stop loss is for me together with the principles of money management the difference between a winning trader and a trader perdente.Le profitable trading techniques exist! The problem is that 90% did not segue.Questo because most of the people playing the stock market rather than interest HAVE REASON guadagnare.L 'approach the trading is: nobody knows where it will market and that each time you place can be lost, the losses are fermate.Prima into the market you need to know what your stop loss.Ricordarsi that market entry is a problem secondario.I most important issues are: the level of stop loss and the percentage of capital usare.Riassumendo what matters is management of losses.
fact perfect for the trader TRINITY 'is: perditemetodo management or management perdite.Si psicologiaLa tecnicadisciplina or manage the losses with stop losssi operating losses with money management.Non I list the various types of stop loss, it I will say even less about money management.Le important things are: The stop should be identified before entrare.La share capital to be used should be calculated based on the percentage of success of the trade with the formula or Kalli by two medium mobili.Per regard the method or technique I just say one thing: Everyone must look for his time and his method.
As for the discipline and psychology were written entire books dedicated to the subject: The main thing is that despite knowing the technical analysis does not follow the segnali.La most traders do not tow the perdite.Alcuni hesitate 's entry when they have a good segnale.Altri have a fully discretionary trading and sensazioni.Per going to be masters of themselves and overcome the psychological problem, you need a comprehensive approach to trading have the utmost confidence in and follow the instructions below to esso.parlerò I mean a complete trading method.
Advance for curious what I mean by a method completo.Esso must have: 1) points entry, 2) exit points, and 3) the amount of capital that we must say utilizzare.tutto the grafico.Io I need to know in every moment of the market, should I put in my metodo.Questo will be your point of arrival . The greed of easy money, leads the research of techniques of technical analysis efficaci.letto few books, attended some courses, some quit their jobs and venture into trading professionale.inutile say that most of them will face financial ruin for which remember: 1) not to invest more than a third of their money in trading, 2) of that third party not to invest more than 40% or otherwise use the rules of money management, and 3) to find through the study and comparison methodology The technique, the system suitable for everyone, both in terms of time both for the modi.Ho often told me on the forums, but now I want to introduce myself to those who have the patience to leggermi.Ho two sons married 46 years I am a professional medico.Mi of 1000 assisted my patients in two clinics, I am a doctor of a nursing home for the elderly and in the morning I am over eighty of 200 in the afternoon between a clinic and the other I do visits to tax workers malattia.Mi stock deal for five years, ever since I started buying funds investimento.Solo three computer.La do day trading with real passion took me when I was at Milan at the top trader of Tomasini and company. Since then, courses and lectures were my passione.Posso include dozens of courses and thirty volumes studiati.Ma one thing to know is another tradare.Io these years I count myself among the losers because I had the major flaw of the trader: NOT THE PERDITECome I STOPPA had occasion to say who does not use the stop loss is better than face altro.L 'other conditions common to other traders: USE ALL CAPITAL DISPOSIZIONEciò led me to big wins, such as the tripling of the capital in three weeks, but also reduced to 1 / 4 in two settimane.Allora found that the flaw was my lack of discipline, I opted for a day trading, where things are decided in the cold, according to the dictates of the Old and MM.Ho developed so the settle with simple rules baggage cultural studies and the experience that I use from March 1 this year that is giving me new things soddisfazioni.Nulla know, I did not invent the wheel, only slowly and only rules that I'm exposing to help those in interest in developing a personal trading plan and efficace.Ho first exhibited my work as a doctor to show you that I'm busy all day, I earn well, I'm pleased with what I do and what they are and then I do not have ulterior motives when I do what I'm facendo.Insomma I do not have and I will not: open sites borsa.Non interests me and I have no intention of trading courses to pagamento.Non I'm going to earn me making me pay segnali.Per bag is a passion as it was football, and these considerations are the same utterances that are made in the comments after the game.
take profit stop or profit? Some would say, because it is not the same thing? Could, but it changes the meaning, the philosophy of leaving the mercato.Mi explain ..... How many times have I read, how often and how many times I heard I feel that it should be regulated even take profit targets prefissati.Quante times we have explained that we must be satisfied with small gains, with no regret if awarded the position, the title takes its place along with the stop loss volo.Quanti also take profit as an important factor of disciplina.Ebbene I say it was not "stop losses and leave the running profits, "one of the traders believe perfect? \u200b\u200bSo I always say no to what makes me take profit out positions to the goal, yes, but the stop-profit, the market will throw fuori.E you explain why ...... The ideal would be to work with three or multiples of three contracts, or when we enter the third capitale.Ebbene First we'll only stop loss, we will not enter with obiettivi.Quando SECOND we're already in profit with primo.Quando We enter with a third chance with the first gain is that with the second contratto.Intanto we raised the stop loss (trailing stop) so that most of the gain is catturato.Quando settled then? liquidate the first contract in the first true ritracciamento.Il second contract to the second true ritracciamento.Il third contract will be paid to its natural stop, or the last supporto.Qualcuno now I ask, but how do I know which is the first retracement and what will be the second ritracciamento.Quando 's time to build together the trading model, each will choose the tool that will indicate the exit stop profit from the market.The tool will be a moving average oscillator or any other devilry that the TA takes to see a disposizione.Come model designed so you can stop the losses and let profits run without placing limits on the market to plunge essi.Sarà fuori.Allora as you do to be successful on the market? must bring the odds in your favore.Per have the odds in their favor should make use of technical analysis rules, the rules of statistics and rules of a specific strategy management.Senza money is lost and there is only one strategy basta.Non there are several ways to approach the market, but there must be a way and must be statistically valid and vincente.Il casual game will not live long, the game is programmed according to specific rules vincente.Il 10% of traders have a winning strategy: know when to enter and when out of the market and know what their exposure with capitale.Avere a strategy will be our ultimate goal and will improve the objective of sempre.Quindi to develop a set of rules accurate and valid in its own way of acting on the market will be the next target of whoever is reading this with interest minicorso.Qualcuno might think that the perfect knowledge of the Old Testament takes to be successful in the market. This is not absolutely vero.A the fact that there are myriad tools and every day one is born again, some of which are useless to help us do trading.Ma the basic concept is that you take the few tools that over time have proved to be essential and that will certainly be valid in futuro.Naturalmente will not do a list of what's involved and what is not needed, but we will learn to use those few essential tools that will help us in our strategia.Quindi no one will feel when he reads less than any analyst or pseudotale than words sometimes incomprehensible to us tells us about the performance of an index or a way of making even more of previsioni.Il words are sometimes far-fetched that the predictions will come true in 50% or maybe meno.Noi, however, we will use our humble and simple tools, without making any predictions, but entering and exiting the market with confidence on our side having a statistical probability, one that in time and in large numbers gives us the victory and survival in the market as a trader.
THE THREE IMPORTANT THINGS OF TRADING1) the attitude and the conviction to the plan trading.2) the amount of money from utilizzare.3) leaving the position.
Regarding the first point to show how many times you are right, intuition, intelligence operations has proved to be undertaken sbagliate.Per Regarding the second point, do not always use the same amount of capital, not mediate.Per Regarding the third point as many times as scalping or day trading has become a trading position for not accepting the sconfitta.Questi are some of the defects perdente.Oltre trader at a major flaw of personality: cocky presunzione.Il thinks he knows where the market believes to know more than others, believed to be more intelligent, to have more insight, they have nothing to learn from others.This defects make the trader a perfect perdente.Quindi Eliminate rapportiamoci and humbly with the market, but always aware of the goodness of our plan trading.Per the trader is important: 1) have a strategy which has maximum fiducia.2) strictly adhere to it (discipline)
the construction of Our strategy allows us at any time without prior study of knowledge, just by looking at the graphs, the position to be on the market (long, short or flat) so do not waste time in unnecessary preventive analysis, do not waste time reading useless news of these experts or pseudo, not waste time in listening to the radio or TV celebrity experts in economics and finanza.A we are interested in only the oscillation of PREZZO.Ricordiamo also that: After selecting a frim time, using only what tradata.Vedremo the following is essential, fundamental, necessary to use two grafici.Non must have fixed lenses (take profit) the market will throw fuori.Non is convenient to operate the eve of the opening of markets and output of news importanti.Non be alarmed by the handlers of the market (market makers), our system will be built not only to defend their operations but also to take advantage of their movements.

ABOUT AVERAGE mobile accessory furnitu operational strategy with moving averages is varied, we review the main ones: The simplest is that which makes us take a stand when the price pierces his average mobile.Il weakness of this strategy are the many false segnali.Al order to reduce false signals as a strategy we will use the intersection of two moving averages faster and the other more lenta.Punto weakness of this strategy are still many things to add a perdita.Allora FILTER: take place only when the moving average crossover occurs with the same direction (long crossing upwards with rising medium, short crossing down with average reduction). Weakness is that the signals will reach us in delay, but the birdies fell by molto.Altri filters can add volume, time, PERCENTAGES ecc.Personalmente if I use moving averages, I use between the two slower revenue for the fastest way to stop loss.IN DEFINITELY WHAT 'THE MONETARY MANAGEMENT? is simply a fundamental part of your trading model that tells you how much capital to use on each posizione.Qualche years ago a study was undertaken in 10 U.S. commodities for a period of ten years a channel breakout system with a 55 days long and short and a trailing stop to 21 days to leave the study were obtained posizione.Dallo plenty of interesting statistical data and an extrapolation of these data we can find a valuable information Statistics say precisely how much capital to use for each transaction at any given time of mercato.Robert Krauz's called the magician of the market and creator of the software fibonacci trader reiterated his statement that: the most successful traders use trading plans or mechanical semimeccanico.Inoltre second Krauz's necessary to be successful on the market: buy or develop a methodology for trading efficacedetto plan must be very specific about the rules, simple, nothing of complicatoil method in question has to convince both the conscious and the subconscious mind of the trader that this is the trading plan is right for you:
must operate over any temporaledeve have a simple filosofiadeve embed risk management (money management) Krausz's is always on market using three lots of contracts and contract when he comes out with the last stop is the end because it uses a methodology reverse.Questo where the so-called turning point is fundamental (balance point). In stock betrays itself in three ways: in a way meccanicoin casualein semimeccanicoStatisticamente way the random perdente.Quindi is a way we should adopt a mechanical way or two ways semiQuesti assume that you have a strategy where the model gives you: the signal of signal entratail uscitala amount of capital from utilizzareTutto this will be the graph has dircelo.Il system should be tested and if it is valid for maximum confidence and without hesitation you believe that any trade can be lost but eventually the system will be successful.
The way to enter the market is essentially of three types: follow the trend came up with the trend breakoutseguire came up in pullbackoperare controtendenzaUn ideal system should give serious consideration to all three modes of operare.Ora I think it's time to start building a trading system that will shape each according to his esigenze.Io propose the scheme to be followed then everyone choose the right tools.
The first thing to do is choose the time frame.Ognuno choose the timing of operare.lo scalper decide to use charts and a five minutiIl intraday traders use charts quarter past five minutiIl quieter trader will use 15 and 60th so on ..... As you can see I have two graphs indicated by usare.Questo is critical to trading, a simple way to reduce false signals and make decisions incontrovertibili.Non is conditio sine qua non, but then again it is essential to the use of two domains that dominates the upper temporal affini.Quello inferiore.Alcuni even use three charts, but we have seen that it is not necessary, This does not improve prestazioni.Qualcuno asked me what courses I have attended and what consiglierei.Ho attended a dozen courses some of them to pay and I must say that at first everyone thought it looked interesting and got home to start my earnings, but alas never successo.Il problem is that nobody gives you the magic recipe to make the stock market also because some of the teachers are not even able to teach them to earn imagine altri.Per So my advice is free to attend all courses, so bad that traders should find as you contend with, but attention to the advertising of these veiled corsi.Se you really want to spend money then do yourself a course with a character known to have proved beyond a shadow of doubt handle it and talk about Capecchi, Cantarella, Foti and so discorrendo.Il financial world is full of false prophets who propinano courses is absolutely no value to those that can not be taken any time of credito.Scelti charts now need to choose the type of chart we want: LINEAR BAR CANDLES ecc.La choice does not seem important but only è.Due tips: 1) Choose a graph where the noise of the market is not seen molto.2) choose a chart where you can see, however, the trend well connoisseur parole.Definito few times charts and now we come to the tendency or TREND.Dalla reading of the two graphs has to come no doubt what is the trend in the media will use atto.Ognuno it sees fit is important that they should allow us to know what the direction of the extreme security mercato.Ad example if I use a tool such as moving average, though the average is rising and if the price is above the I mean a positive trend but if the media are falling and the price is below trend will have a negative, I will use the pivot when the price will be above trend in AP I'll be under positive and a negative trend and so To define the trend, saying ..... you can also use the oscillatori.Il MACD is good in the medium to long, while the stochastic is simply the best in breve.Potete use trenlines combining a positive trend for increasing the minimum and maximum for a decreasing trend negativo.Insomma everyone wants to use as a tool provided that it is a tool that defines the trend without having the operator to interpret if we are positive or negative trend otherwise we play each and every one croce.Poi you all know that most intelligent thinking machine tends to rooting and thus promote the vision that vuole.Mi remember when I was convinced I could always bearish head and shoulders dappertutto.Quindi instruments that define unequivocally trend.Qualcuno tell me: and when we are in congestion? I got to write my point of view on what I have called ironically STASI.Nella stasis our trend indicator signals a trend not precise and there are so operationally we are facing fermi.Allora our two grafici.Il graph cycle has higher trend? The chart below that trend has cycle? If the trends are both positive we take into account only positions LONGS trends are both negative we consider only the positions SHORT.Se trend disagree do not open new posizioni.Ora decisions have to be situations that make us go into the posizione.Ossia SIGNAL ENTRATA.La first thing I recommend before going into the first position is still looking what is our stop loss.Non otherwise be too far away if the transaction goes wrong we lose too many soldi.Quindi must be in line with the aphorism small perdite.Quindi decide the input signal based on our graph; our skills, but must be clear signals where a simple reading of the chart enables us to make our decision should not be our capriccio.Per example, if one decides to go on beyond that will be the breakout max or min we will take a position, if you decide to use moving averages will be their intersection that we will enter the mercato.Naturalmente leave everyone the decision on which tools to use to support this decision if they are tools of unquestionable efficacia.Ricordo newcomers that there are very favorable for the entry. The double and triple max min max as double and triple min.Sui break out of swing and range and 123 by Ross that these things will be fine though our studiarsele.Sarà system that will tell when entering posizione.Riassumendo: Two graphs coincide entrambise read the trend of long longs only operations coincide only short operations shortsegnale entrataIl of output signal:
Whenever an input signal that fails is the signal that you must exit the posizione.Questa is the main rule on everything from where we draw stop profit.Di examples we can do in bizzeffe.Se by when a resistance has been overcome, the drilling of that makes me mercato.Se exit by crossing a moving average, the loss of this cross posizione.Nello stop me out of the profit I have to use a tool that will tell me when to quit guadagnato.Il trailing stop to protect what is what is used in most cases, each time raising the stop under the last support or retracement, but also a moving average or oscillator, or any other tool that you like as long efficace.Quindi away from the market when your position is not fair to mercato.Non situation is fair when, for example the trend in the two graphs do not match, when he was beaten a min or max, when it was over a support or resistance, if any so the market will be contro.Quando you have these situations do not wait and leave the mercato.Infine the last thing missing to a system of trading is money management.La kelly formula would be ideal but I defy anyone who knows the correct numbers for usarla.Allora what can we do? we can use a simple method would first enter the market with the first three contracts and paid the first weakness, weakness in the second cleared the second to stop the profit paid terzo.Oppure we could get to any sign of purchase and a new contract and exit to each sell signal. We could finally use two moving averages to determine the amount of capital, such as medium and 13 long 20.Nel price below the 13 and 20 use 1 / 3 of the above capitaleprezzo the 13 and under 20 use 2 / 3 of the above capitaleprezzo 13 and 20 use 3 / 3 of capitaleprezzo under 13 but over 20 we use 2 / 3 of the situation inversa.useremo capitalenello short we will use more capital in the most favorable , it will use less in times less favorable.

And now let's build a model of trading in my schedule: 1) two graphs with two-stroke 2) reading of the trend on both grafici3) signals entrata4) signals uscita5) money will go to build model ManagementThe will be in line with what I have written so far and according to the diagram above, then you will know me say at the end two things: 1) if it is true that a simple reading of the graphs will tell you without a shadow of doubt what to do at any time in the market without an interpretation personale2) if someone you have never explained things so simply and naturally according to the dictates of the basics of tecnica.L 'example will be a trading system on fast FIBRicapitoliamo.Ho clearly said that I did not invent water calda.Ho always maintained that the stock market can be successful, just follow the simple rules of AT and MM.Le rules are not of my invention I studied and I realized that if executed with discipline leads to mercato.Ma be successful on 90% of traders are losing I want to explain why? for me to lose because they use a strategy TA and explain money management strategies to beat the mercato.Ebbene I allowed myself to put together five simple rules that show us how it should be built strategia.La a strategy is that it loses 90%, the remaining 10% are definitely better.
grafici2 the first two trend3 entrata4 uscita5

and money management are going to build a model which can betray the intraday fibESEMPIO SYSTEM INTRADAY1) two graficiopereremo CONUN 1 minute chart and a chart to 5 minutiESEMPIO SYSTEM INTRADAY2) the graph trendNel 5 minutes we will use the moving average of 8 times the trend will be positive if the price is above average, will be negative if the price is below the 1 minute chart media.Nel we will use moving averages to 0:34 periodiil trend will be positive if the price is above the MM will be negative if it is below the MMSE, the trend is positive on both graphs we will consider only operations LONGS the trend is negative on both graphs we will consider only operations SHORTESEMPIO SYSTEM INTRADAY3) entrataQuando signals on the 12 minute chart 34 crosses the upward longQuando open a position on the chart to a minute, the 12 crosses the 34 downward to open a position shortIl chart five minutes we just need confirmation as to open the position if the trend coincideESEMPIO SYSTEM INTRADAY4) signals uscitaEsco when the position: 5 minutes on the chart the price falls below average and are located 5 minutes longsul chart the price rises above the average and are in a position to chart shortnel the minute I cross to the bottom of the MM and longnel 1 minute chart I have the intersection of MM and the upside shortDate note that the MM on the graph to me 5 minutes ago by trailing stopQuando are conflicting signals will always flatESEMPIO SYSTEM INTRADAY5) Managements money comes with three contracts contemporaneamenteNel long when the price on the 1 minute chart falls below the 12 mm clear the first contract, when it falls below the 34 settling the second contract, when the output signal has outstanding short tutto.Nello it does exactly the opposite, with three contracts that you enter when the price rises above 12 MM settle the first contract, when the price rises above 34 to liquidate the second contract, when you have the output signal outstanding tutto.Ora you hold a system that tells you the market at any time as you have to behave in a disciplined when run will give soddisfazioni.Questo is one example of how to build a winning strategy, each of you will now be able to build their model using what I have reported using other tools and more congenial to you.
In a famous book it says that the trader is a cycle of three phases: the first stage is someone who is looking for a reference and we suggest what to buy or what vendere.Nella second stage, the trader is no longer seeking to grips others, but look for the foolproof system that only allows him to win without the possibility of sbagliare.Questa phase of the trader can last forever, and we see every day in discussions with our friends trader.La third phase, to which few have access, is the stage of maturity, awareness, in which the trader's attention is directed to itself and not the market to remove those obstacles that hinder the psychological trading.
The market deals with probabilistic and statistical techniques and principles of money management.le fluctuations of the market uncertainties continue producing the only way to eliminate these uncertainties is to create a system that will enable us to sicuro.Ognuno trading should be able to decide what to do without asking for other opinions though experts or pseudo tali.Il true trader does not need comments, news, opinions, target price, and more. The analysts 'forecasts are very unreliable and this has been dimostrato.Il market is faced with a precise method with little risk and tendenza.L' opening of a position requires a risk and the risk is assumed that there must be a stop loss.Lo stop loss thus becomes the conditio sine qua non for entering the mercatoOgni trader needs to know that there is no knowledge or skill or intelligence that may be of assistance to trading . This can only help him write a clear strategy of probabilistic certainty that it will not, but no doubt the market has always vantaggio.Il ragione.Molte information only serve to create confusione.Il good trader has to understand what information is needed and which are held by buttare.Le theories are not gospel, to be followed until there are other more valide.Quando you can not follow a strategy has stressati.Sarà should take a rest for the own good and for family members. Barry Lind
A member of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange a few years ago he published a set of simple rules for traders who do not deviate much from my thoughts.
1.Adopting a trading plan not sure operare3.dovremmo not be right 40% of cases but still have profitti4.tagliare losses and leave the running profitti5.Se we can not afford to lose we can not afford vincere6.stare careful of the trend7.non try to buy and sell at the minimum market is the worst when gira9.non be influenced by the current situazione10.trattare profits on paper as real profits
Thanks and I hope I was helpful. Following the approach already proposed in the previous article we try to build a second model with different trading daily and weekly. TWO
GRAFICIUseremo to take the weekly chart data and daily chart in addition to the data we will use it for trading.
TRENDPrendiamo borrowed from a formuletta pivotAP = (H + L + C) / 3Calcoliamo the AP and the AP Weekly Daily Weekly AP> AP day take into account only transactions short.Se AP Weekly SIGNAL ENTRATAPrenderemo position long if the price is above AP giornaliero.Prenderemo short position if the price is below the daily AP.
When there are no conditions of entry, those will be for us the output signals: in the long if the price goes below the AP giornalieronello short if the price goes above the daily AP

MONEY MANAGEMENT We'll go with three contracts or third-party equity. Settling the first contract on the first retracement (to adjust how we can use the RSI oscillator) when the line drops below or rises above 50 in long in the second contract short.Liquideremo ritracciamento.Liquideremo the second or the third stop everything in its natural (output signal).
remember that both weekly and daily AP needs to be recalculated every day.
The second major publication was: TECHNIQUE FOR FIB
Get the closing and opening do the sum and divide by due.Esempio: 27,400 closing and opening
27300 (27400 +27300) 2 = 27,350
go Long Shorts 27,350 + 75andare 27350-75
to stop the entry
75 points to 75 points gain at the same stop
A stop 120 points gain of 40 points to 160 points
stop gain of 20 points
In the case of target and only after the second test of a maximum / minimum falls to -50 points with stop loss more than 75 points (note that this stop is the new max / min). If you continue to gain in trailig stop as described in the first part . The target should be the level of ingresso.A this point the market could take the direction of the first or otherwise we will follow the market as described in the first part.
In the first part I could find listed as the starting level to make the entry. Other levels can be achieved in several ways: through Pivot, Fibonacci retracements, support and resistance are real pivot of days scorsi.Con calculated levels you enter in the same way as reported in the first part: -75 fib and pivot from entering the negative trend in short, +75 from the pivot and with a positive trend fib you enter and then continue as long descritto.Stessa thing with retracements fibonacci levels calculated to +75 with positive trends in fib long fib goes to -75 with negative trend in short you enter and then continue as above. With real support and resistance that we see on the graph does the same and the same thing. Cosimo
The technique works by moving averages? Not like there have always told, but with appropriate simple steps work.
moving averages moving averages with the technique work? Not like there have always told, but by appropriate simple things work.
Gann said the divisions between the capital in ten parts and use for each trade a tenth of the capital. Let's take it to the letter using 1 / 10 of capital for trade.Le rules will be the classical technical analysis:
When the mean faster than the average crosses the slower rise When we buy the fastest average crosses the slower fall below the average selling
But with some basic precautions:
1) number of moving averages 2) moving average value of 3) number trade
If we divide the capital into ten parts, and then we can play with ten, the number of trade will be 10 as well as the number of moving averages.
VALUE moving averages
Many have ventured to indicate what time is best for a moving average. Who does not know the 13 or 21 and what about the 55 and 200. But those who chewed
trading knows that there is an average that goes always good. So how to choose the most appropriate medium? Meanwhile
must choose a time frame. Daily for those with limited time. 15 minutes for a person who is quiet. 5 minutes of the classic trader. One minute for those who have blood in your veins.
The value of the averages that take into account is
10 20 30 45 60 75 90 120 150 200
Now we have the chart with 10 moving averages and a price that fluctuates constantly. These operate in a way that is profitable for our portfolio. What to do? Price
above moving averages only operations in long rates moving averages only short operations
Whenever one crosses MM MM with another upward price is above average longa 1 / 10 of each capital Once one crosses MM MM with another downward price below the averages are short 1 / 10 of capital
now have a comprehensive approach with entrances, exits and money managements is just exploit it.
Then there was the refusal to follow the technical analysis and start the new way of conceiving the trading.Nasce:
been two years since my mini-course of trading and my thought is cambiato.E 'my duty to update those I had read with sympathy. THE MINI COURSE OF TRADING UPDATE
Cosimo A. Gervasi
I studied a lot in those eight years, I studied and I betrayed a lot of everything and now I think I know the movements of financial markets. I have developed a successful method of trading for a few days now I'm honing in the field. Of course I do not want to reveal anything about the way I want to help but betray those who wish to read and trust in my honesty for not making the mistakes I committed myself to a crowd thanks literature that circulates around. The first thing I throw them back my writings are the result of things learned from books and courses in which I partecipato.Peraltro I never claimed that it was my thing. Trading accounted for classic signs of entry and exit, stop loss, take profit and the whole series of pappardelle that everybody knows. Not that I'm crap, but I do not live quietly permettevono trading, as someone who, all MISUSE day practice discipline. So what should I do? First of all, make a clean sweep of things that are not needed and then we'll see. I do not know whether to start from the books I've read, or by the indicators of technical analysis, or follow a pattern of movements mercato.Forse latter is better. Meanwhile, the market at any time may rise or fall with the probability of 50 %. Do you see a statistic that is so random and, in spite of the breakout, moving average, the support and resistance and so on. So when you have an input signal, does not differ much from a 50% chance of success to be imperceptible onesti.Un advantage can give it a trend, but when we realize the trend is now late, and then the trend is done to change otherwise not exist. Just look at the oscillations of a chart to realize how it changes constantly. Maximum, minimum, pivot, media resistance. The market feels and sees them as well as the Fibonacci sequence, but the direction? A support can hold, or be broken, resistance also always 50% chance, try to do some calculations I've done, just count to one hundred caso.Tagliare losses and let profits run. The sacred texts read all this act of faith. Working or not working? It works if you know when to cut and when to run. Often, however, cut means to take the loss and let it run it means to lose you again again. Meanwhile, the bill say decresce.Che of candlesticks, oscillators, parabolic lines, triangles with all geometry. Do they work? Yes 50% It can be shown everything and its contrario.Lo have already done it and we have also guadagnato.Quanti analysts rush in hindsight to explain the market movements and they succeed as well. How many, however, fail to understand where the market will go? Try to have a look of old weather if you want to have some good laugh? We guessed at 50% Because the market may provide the only who gives orders and will do anything to make believe the opposite. In short, the direction that the market will not be seen in the table, want to watch them, just shows us the path ways fatto.I of Trade have many, but most traders will use two: 1) Trading containment Research max and min and makes use of pivot, support and resistance, etc. Bollinger. 2) Trading continuation of that trend with the search moving averages, oscillators, etc. channels. Two ways that certainly in experienced hands can lead to gain, but how many times turns into a restraint breakout and trend change direction? Always 50% The two approaches are opposite each other. Some, even more than anyone, has tried to use both of them with results that do not want to comment
There is a known indicator or oscillator that allows us to gain sicuro.Allora so stubborn because we follow what is known to be insecure?
We are certain that whoever moves the market there propina of false signals, and therefore all the more any indicator of technical analysis should not be considered for trading.
How many of you after reading a book or a course he thought he had solved the problem of loss and instead found himself back to square one.
Because there will be no reading or official course that will give you a vincente.Chi model has a model if he keeps it for himself or sells it at a great price. Moreover
achieve this result required much effort and many losses, and those who manage to find (as seems good Pizzul) the key to the problem I do not think is prepared to pass it through to anyone. Even programs
known as metastock tradestation and to name the most famous, can help us much.
I have experienced many trading systems but none in the time leading to tangible results, a little 'loses some' wins and loses if he wins a title with another, and then tested by a real TS that is fine and you will see that the music changes.
So to get the bones are produced faster, but the real trading is another matter.

What about the famous pattern, which should take advantage and therefore make us win, try them and see that there will live rendita.Nell 'entry of daily giving a slight edge but it is canceled by the management of the position and the costs of 'operazione.Dovunque put your hands does not lead to victory and who knows every day is measured with the pilfered mercato.Qualunque strategy on both sides of the door at the usual chances and the bill goes down.
Down, Gann, Elliot and the most recent Ross, De Mark, you have to Pring case ILLUMINATED? Is there anyone who after reading a book or books of the aforementioned large series of pigeon began to gain live with your family?
We're going to see something in particolare.Gann, of course I bow to his genius, left us two important things among many: the fans who are nothing more than support and resistance measured in a way which of course are those who have capital to catch the stop (buy on lows and sell at the highest) and then of no use to traders and swing chart that if you have experienced gains and losses the same way and we lose slippage and commissioni.Elliot with his wave theory has not yet made an agreement and I think his fans will never d 'agreement because the movement is not as he said but it is infinitely varied and puzzling is useless to count the things that are only in the man's head. And what about the hook
Ross knew only good until lui.Adesso is a very good trap for trader.Quante times on a nice hook or RH have been stopped properly, I think at least half of all take volte.Potremmo by the sequence of Mark Cooper of the boomers to the bow tie and all of Landry what you want the chance to gain good are few.
compete with banks, Sim, finance companies, private groups of traders with their huge amounts of capital to move the desktop market to take gain is unthinkable when you do not have a proven technique vincente.Tradare with only the aid of technical analysis even if has deep knowledge does not lead anywhere. Betraying no method is a ruin inevitabile.Il market with its continuous oscillation is a trap from hell.
Try to look at a chart and you will see that is just a succession of ups and downs without any logic that never goes anywhere concrete, which when it arrives on the media or strength is dribbling before taking one direction: the first on the resistance breaks then back risfonda and then goes back up then back down most of the first bank on the strength and then when they collected the loot will move in one direction, the media the same thing happens in reverse . Because of support and resistance on the road we have all the time (Fibonacci, Gann Fan, pivot, max and min prior to turn hourly, daily, weekly etc.. try to follow him and see that most of the time you wrong, but if you try to do it otherwise does not change musica.Il maximum that can happen is they're right half the time, but then we think the slippage and commissions to make fuori.Insomma there no escape for you as you put it, the market is out there for you to cook slowly all designed to tavolino.La probability of winning or losing is 50% but the difference is that you must buy and sell on the letter on the money more slippage commissioni.Se this is not the most disadvantage is it? The benefits we have seen little or insignificant nullaAllora is not the fault of the discipline? the disciplined lose pure.Allora the fault of the method? si.Possibile perhaps that there is a valid one that can win? Is there or is not? If not then you better stay away if c ' So why is not coming out? I understand, who ever if he keeps are those famous 5% who held vincono.Gli others, then what should they do? Meanwhile, I begin to say what, in my opinion, should not do.
The first thing is do not take advice from anyone who, for example, recommends an entry is the only one who can handle the output. How many of you have followed the forum experts who gave the signals at the end of the expert always won , and you almost always lose, and who knows perché.Il trading staff is necessary to have within themselves the pattern and know how to move accordingly.
The second is to let go of all those tips aseptic being carried on the books, courses or sites, are general tips that serve only one type of trading that are difficult the other is the vostro.Tra Gann himself has left us with advice that if they had the Bible, each one, following them would be the winner. Thirdly
Forget the input signals to known techniques in most cases are traps for chickens.
Think, instead, a model of trading where you should not prepare anything, calculations of the pivot, pull lines, support resistance Fibonacci, count the waves, what America has done so.
Turn on the computer at 9:00 o'clock and be ready: a second look that pulls air and get as much rest assured that whatever we know how to handle it will turn out in our favor.
Utopia, many thought, I can see already that if someone laughs, I laugh when I think of me to recover what was lost in the first six years of trading.
The enemies of traders are greed and greed not think there is a way to make money and if anyone has been successful there will be only and only fortuna.Un winning system will give you a little almost every day, this is a good system . This must be the end point, the extreme look, the apocalypse.
If we do not need technical analysis, the fundamental needless to say, then what could be helpful to you? The market is just changing value price, you win if you sell at a price above the purchase, we lose if we sell to price superiore.Sembra easy, but is not seen the percentage of losers that would be 50% if there were no fees (this does not have read or heard anywhere) is 90% to 10% of the commissioni.Solo real good to have a methodology that leads them to guadagno.Quindi if the market has only itself and only the movement, the movement itself should be its strength but also its debolezza.Il traders should focus on the movement in order to buy at a price close to low and sell at a price close to the maximum and in this they do the fundamental analysis technique that I read it other gadgets around us aiutano.Questo so simply to see the market, which is the way of those who approach for the first time trading, and then abandoned because read the myriad of crap circulating trading on the key to understanding and the way forward to find a suitable method to ciascuno.Non is the discovery of the hot water but now what can I say, first I have to recover what was lost then we'll see. I know that the road is hard, took me eight years to find it now I reap the rewards. Finally the
written: To avoid misunderstandings, however, these things published are dated and does not represent my current operation that does not allow repeat perdita.Riassumo concepts:
To set a strategy, the first imperative is how much capital you have.
5000 €? € 10,000? € 50,000?
As befits a capital to any particular strategy.
With a capital of up to € 5000 an aggressive strategy can be set only with the certificates, no idea to even try to betray the futures, you will go wrong. Instead
with 10000 € a strategy with the future is possibile.Con 50000 euro trade is a blast. There he earned his living more than decent. Why
up to 5000 € you can not betray that only certified?
1) with the actions you gain nothing 2) the cw because you can not keep decreasing in value every day 3), however, would not recommend putting all the capital but some
As I argued recently conditio sine qua non for being average in winning bag is to use a small part of the capital available. If you use it
everything that takes no skill: either you're lucky or you'll lose your money.
With € 10,000 in capital you will betray the future of the certificates that are cheaper because of the spread.
Eurofx, minieurofx, mininasdaq, etc. minisp500. are among the most liquid and cost effective. A particular strategy for
betray this capital is crucial for survival and we must follow to the letter otherwise you lose.
Finally Believe it or not matters nothing you have € 50,000 with a share that with the levers of futures can give good satisfaction.
do not think I exaggerate when I say that would give a return of around 3000 euros a month and a strategy is not thrilling but acting in a calm and composed knowing that if they do not, however, risks corrono.Come know the market moves or lateral or trend. the ideal is to have a strategy to exploit the side and go get the trend when it comes
To my knowledge no one has ever developed a strategy that exploited both phases of the market. The strategies that take advantage of the trend in lateral forgiveness. The strategies that take advantage of the side lost in the trend.
But there may be a technique that is able to gain in both phases of the market? Or is it fantasy

E 'known that for gain stages on the media side you have to buy and sell on strength. While in the early stages of
trend must be in accordance with the market. How to reconcile
the two? Above all, be reconciled?
I say yes and I say this because there are solutions.
ones I found I can be certain, I think there are many others.
logical that a well designed trading is not made with the purchase / sale of a product and its closed position, but through a strategy where a few key points are the key to gain safe and steady. Here
who helps the system invented by me:
MODULATED DYNAMIC BALANCE (GERVASYSTEM) in which the concepts of zero-point tracking and output gain is crucial to understand the beauty of this strategy is: NEVER LOSE
betrayal without

in books and courses are taught But how to find the direction we must look at what the market can not 'DO does not come there is a movement that never does. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- If know how not to lose that you can not win if you know the plan that the graph can not have already stopped losing --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- The price is constantly changing, it is the knowledge that changes the key to victory the brilliant idea that allows you to earn. -------------------------------------------------- The ------------------------------------------------- weakness lies in the move of the bag you can rub in what moves ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -If know that the market movement can not know what you can do ----------- We can do without the indicators, just the price. -------------------------------------------------- The ------------------------------------------------- brokers use the dribling to stop chickens. But the dribling held not able to go beyond certain measures. -------------------------------------------------- The ------------------------------------------------- stop loss is the soul of trading if you know where to put it you have already won ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------- The market is unpredictable and my system is based on this assumption ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- A trader can win real: with only one graph or just the price
the market should not subsequently challenged.
not groped to guess where the market would give a reason in only 50% of cases
Market failures are dueuna geometry and mathematics.
One way to win in the bag is only one: to exploit the inefficiency that has in it.
The market has a fundamental weakness: the Movement You can use this movement to his own ends and I know that it is not the only one.
Remember that those who earn the stock market does not need to sell nulla.L 'only goal of a truly successful trader could be the recognition and admiration of others trader.Ogni denigration of those who want to make news without asking is in bad faith.

Monday, February 19, 2007

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

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I'm sick. It 's always the same story.
"What do you do?"
"marketing a record," I say.
"Ah, it must be big trouble for you with the Internet and those who download, eh?"
Uuuuuuuhhhh ... (Insofferenza. ..)
not true. Dispelling this myth once and for all. The sad story that is not why people sell more CDs if you download from the Internet is a ball bigger than the plane crashed into the Pentagon. Just make two simple reason, to understand it.
analyze briefly the target, ie the public. Today, essentially falls into two categories: those who grew up with the CD (or even most of the old LP) as a "thing of value" and those who are growing up with the "digital containers" (PC, Ipod, MP3 player, Plasma / LCD, Audio-Video equipment) as a "thing of value" instead of good old hard or good Hi-Fi. The first
love to have the CD at home, on the shelf, into the player, in the car. Love to have the disc, booklet, photos, credits (who played, who wrote the piece), the texts. And they have a decent Hi-Fi CD player, amp, Speakers ... twist a little 'nose in front of an MP3 file: nobody touches them the dear old file. Wav Cd.
Now, these people have a monthly budget, more or less fixed, to devote to music. It 's true: This budget has been cut in size and purchasing power with the Euro, the cost of living increases, the cost of various types of increasingly large, rising prices of the same CD. Pinco Pallo, 38 years old music fan, used to 2,000 € net / month, 10 years ago bought maybe 4 CDs per month. Today we buy 1 or 2 at most. This download 15 or 20 at least. Let
to prevent downloading. It would buy, say, 10 or 15? No. I would buy 1 or 2 per month. Why? Why not PP do not have to download the CD to buy, but more likely to listen to before purchasing. Why was tired of going to a shop, for 20 Euro release a new album, go home, open it, put it in the CD and find that it is a bad disc.
Now let's double the salary (which is very difficult to achieve, with our labor market). It would buy 10 or 15, CD? No. We think that it would buy 4 or 5. Provided, however, to lay in the hands of 4,000 euros net, instead of 2,000, mind you.
The second category includes those who buy CDs rather than hi-tech gadgets, console games, mobile phones, traffic cards, maybe some video game. They are mostly young people under the 30 for which the object of value is not the music itself but the use of container: the iPod. Unlikely to have a Hi-Fi, up to a compact camera. The 192 Kbs bit-rate of a good MP3 files for them are more than enough.
's album for them are only ephemeral content, by interchange motion quickly, and only in exceptional circumstances for which they are willing to spend a few dollars or euros on Itunes. Hardly gudagnano 2,000 euros per month. Never, ever, if impedissimo them to download, would buy in the shops even a quarter of the 40 or 50 albums that download every month. They could not afford it.
On the other hand, if something is free, all they want. It is said that if you make it by tomorrow pay, all continue to want it.
Since 1997 the writer preaches to lower the price of CDs. That cost less than one (1) finished the Major Euro (excluding royalties) should not exceed 9.90 euros to the public. Always if you want to sell, of course.
Ergo, the record companies are telling you what they want, showing a significant myopia. Good sales figures of some parts of their catalogs presented to the public to speak for 10 Euro. No one wants more (or so) to pay dearly for CD.Personalmente are convinced that the file-sharing is a great promotional vehicle-viral to push sales of CDs. The point is that just a bunch of dinosaurs who control the market in music sales still did not understand What is this damn Web 2.0.
So much so that it is this week's news that Major enromi are putting pressure on ISPs themselves so vigilant (and delazionino) primarily on the content "illegal" users to share and exchange network.
idea, in my opinion, simply immoral.