Sunday, January 10, 2010

How Does Malaria Affectthe Body

It starts here

I segreario were the future of the Democratic Party held its oristanese policy intervention in a crowded room and whisper-quiet during his speech. I do not have additional considerations, beyond those already reported on this blog, which I then also explained in my speech, I believe, however, also not too linear, yesterday. I want to bring The full text of John, though note how easily this happen again at this time in many blog friends.

"Although I will try very briefly to argue the reasons that led me to accept the nomination of the Democratic Party provincial secretary of the province of Oristano, and at the same time also try to indicate some keywords through which you can read the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Democratic Party that I helped to build.
Helping to build precisely. Along with those already locally represent it in the administrative and legislative institutions of the territory, who are already engaged Working in and to all who wish to join in this difficult and fascinating journey within the next few days.
The election of the bodies is middle management in Sardinia, Oristano and therefore, for the first time in more than two years after the birth of the Democratic Party. In the rest of Italy but is already talk of renewal.
since then we are no longer the government of the country and even to that of the region. In the meantime, we met three National Secretaries and many in the region. It does not always move away from the perfect number, we also collected three heavy electoral defeats: policies, regional and European.
In Rome as in Cagliari we discount our role in the exercise of this institutional condition objectively difficult useless hiding the fact. This territory is added to the fatal "loss of political" who alerted and began to feel even still a loser.
more than ten years when the reformers are out of the Government of the Province and the capital cities and major towns of the territory. It is tempting to settle, to carve out space for a minority representation of one witness and pure, sometimes - in desperation - to emulate a little practice 'unscrupulous to exist, but less and less ambition to be competitive and a proposal to build with patience and a political alliance to win and to change.
Still experiencing firsthand the humble service to the polling station established in the city of Oristano in at the last primaries, I saw more than one third of the voters of the Democratic Party in my town to wait in line, without interruption from 7 in the morning to late evening, to select the Regional and National Secretary of the party. E 'success in the area. A human tide. There was the call as in the past of the candidate to govern the country or region, for the sake of mobilizing much if this time you simply choose the party secretary.
A measure of pride in the democratic idea and set a strong desire to participate only difficult for anyone to imagine.
offer human resources in the market for the construction of the proposed policy that no one is allowed to waste.
and take it from here. Saying a few things.
Let us therefore also to build the Democratic Party as a party of citizens (voters and members, provides the state). A party flexible, open, aware and involved in social movements.
A party present in community, made up of members to clubs in which to discuss, and to consult and involve citizens through various forms offered by computer technology and the internet, and through consultations Primary.
Yes, the primaries. Here, the first tag, the first keyword. I believe in the primaries, I consider a genetic trait of the Democratic Party. Parties are not any associations, organizations that operate in the interests of close members are instruments of public participation in the life of our city. Proposals that are mature and strong consensus not only within, but especially by the responses they generate outside, because outside bottom turn when they become government's program for a community and always outside measure their effectiveness. There is also a reason why our Constitution has wished to indicate a specific case. Our constituents are heard and then questioned when you decide on a strategy of rest, when it indicates a government program for the country or for the Territory and at the same time when you choose who to that strategy and that program has to give head and legs. I believe however that this approach does not come back, even though this form of participation is still silent in the face of some bad temptation to return to a past that seemed far away. I would like this idea did not let fall in the coming days when we would go to write the new Statute of the Democratic Party and the Sardinian case for us will be the preferred means of participation. Instrument, indeed. A tool and not an ideology: the ideology is always manifested regardless of the circumstances of place and time, the instruments should be used wisely and with some flexibility if we want to be helpful and useful displayed.
then tried to experiment with secularism in our experience and membership in our policy proposal. The second key word. A secular party, aware of their roots, but at the same time permeable to new, curious about the change. Where does it lay say first of all see things for what they are, "not telling tales, not trying to adhere to what we observe in our beliefs." A secular party and respectful of everyone's most cherished rights of persons, freedom of their relations and support to devote to them as compared to their beliefs aside. Without much away from my family environment, I look at the condition of families, the size of the phenomenon of singles, couples and unmarried couples are reconstructed. Well you can not oppose and not be denied. In politics, do not see is to deny and can not be denied how society is structured. The PD must be secular, without hesitation. The writer is a believer and is convinced that the religious dimension has a strong social repercussion, regards the freedom of the person, can not be placed in one dimension only. I could not think of my political commitment apart from my religious beliefs. But the first concern of a lay Christian in serving the community is not to defend an identity, but to gain the courage of a responsible commitment in the spirit of the Gospel. There is a basic ethical concept of the PD we must guide always hold together the influential role of religious beliefs and the reference to constitutional principles and the exaltation of differences and their protection. This is the bar to be and be perceived as the party that defends and extends the new civil rights to people. It is our recognition, in a word of our identity.
But secularism is a practice that we will have to decline even at home. We are a plural party, they say. Yes, we are a party plural. Photograph well, but this plurality abituiamoci however, to think and live our political experience, not so much as something that protects and enhances the internal differences, perhaps to guard jealously and pass only to resist, but as a place where the practice of mutual comparison highlights the common traits of sensitivity and instead of a project that will allow us to exist. Not to mention that many look to our draft, and maybe more - for fifteen years now - they are only recognized nell'Ulivo first, and then in our party. The board we're going to be after the election of the Provincial Assembly shall prevail, the new democratic identity, certainly not marginalize anyone, but "still" the new democratic identity: I want to say right away and to avoid misunderstandings. The choices we're going to do, even with regard to the selection of its leaders and institutional representatives, we will try to steer them towards those best able to embody this new identity. On this we will be uncompromising. You will not find a fertile ground for the idea from this and this other one.
We try to build a party structure but also participated. Third and fourth keyword. The two things should always stay together because the structure can not be that of yore: a structure must be dynamic and to involve as many people as possible in the decisions. We must be able to see the changes, be part of it, redirecting it to the best and most appropriate. From this point of the Circles are a resource, the only true power that will survive too long after this tormented and exodus from the party of origin. The aim of the brief spas at a club in each country and a crushing of the only urban traffic circles located in different areas of the city, with an office open and can attend at least in popular neighborhoods and villages in the most populous. The capital city, the black hole of the Democratic Party, will be given special attention in its organization, to confer with the Citizens' Committee and the Group Council Chamber. And along with the capital city of the territory where the great centers is also influential "opinion." I say this because we need a party that shortens the distance, that makes things understandable to everyone, every time you speak to the communities that took the floor. A non-party but hierarchies of relations and relationships, where the candidate and the candidate for Mayor and President of the province and territory decides to Orissa, where the choices are made by competent persons regardless of their backgrounds, where quality is not always recognized as being able to speak on the merits only when we speak out, but especially about having to talk about with reference to ourselves.
And for this we must try to invest in a new generation, new for real. Generating new, fifth keyword. I personally do not believe in the Juvenile as well as played today in the Democratic Party. It reflects the youth of the parties of origin with many vices and few virtues. I do not know what's in store the statute, but I hope you have a shot of Alzheimer's disease compared to previous experience. I believe the time has come instead to look to younger, very young, the generation of non-protected, the precarious, the insecure. The PD should involve especially in this difficult phase. Try to look at things with their eyes (we have already solved many of our problems), let them join the work program and we are going to develop, to give visibility to their talent included in the lists for the election of mayors and councilors in our community (the I say in view of the upcoming elections). Young people make them, nell'insostituibile agora of their community. Where the interests press, where they learn to separate what is private and what is public, where you can feel the needs and requirements of the belly of the spirit, where the median ideals in everyday life and where the project becomes a real program that can be shared by anyone, where they learn to say yes and no when you must also, where our full-blown culture of solidarity is put to the test daily by the resources available and on our ability to implement them.
On the other hand look at a party in which the necessary renewal of the elites has nothing to do with "nuovismo" or with choice fell from above, but means to enhance and capitalize on the experience and the ability to represent the territories.
share when you claim to believe "in the ranks, and then in the unions, administrators, even in small towns, provincial leaders and coordinators of the Circle .... the courage to look outside their windows to attract and enhance the party offers the best society in its areas of cultural and social promotion. "
I do not think the youthfulness then. But I need to assess the importance of parts, which means to start soon, but then maybe stop soon. Do not stay to endure a lifetime in politics. Confirm an idea often expressed in institutional mandates that the limit is an essential rule: know that our function is limited in time leads us to not waste it, to make available the best of ourselves, to ensure that after the phase of 'enthusiasm and maturity to take over the storage season. At the time of the fastest growing political party must be the ability to select a new leadership able to interpret it.
then bet on reform. The key word identity, perhaps the most important. Which for us means, among other Sardinians do not waste the experience of government gained from the center-left in Sardinia in the four 2004/2008. I say this bluntly. We met in Sardinia reformism of good stuff that has allowed the island to be aware of its central Mediterranean region, especially in the new era of the great migration and the global economy.
island that promotes peace, cultural exchange to the other side of the Mediterranean.
A 'place to promote the island as made in Sardinia, careful to preserve and modernize the local production, but without giving up the big industries.
island that invests environment, where the green economy becomes the priority.
An 'island that protects its environment and safeguard its coast, that does not consume unnecessary area and reduces the "distance" between small towns and large cities.
If we would be able to meet this challenge we will be protagonists, and if we linger, if we hesitate we are destined to remain on the sidelines.
It 'hard work certainly, but someone has to do.
And I believe that the Democratic Party was born for this.
has been mentioned in these months of house plan, and we will not be easy opposition. We should have a home that is not our plan provides for the destruction of land and easy business for speculators, but the possibility that everyone has a home, with a new policy for leases, a special plan for public housing, the ' adoption of new models of social housing.
To experience living in a society transformed together to reinvent the places where different people meet, work, bring their children to kindergarten, they pray, in fact they live.
Our efforts must address people, to whom young difficulties in the Democratic Party does not understand what it does for him, a trader who is faced with the field studies and do not understand us, who lost his job of 50 years and is not helped by a system of training and rehabilitation services, entrepreneur who himself is IRAP payable even if no employees, employees who are wondering why you pay taxes only because he and can not deduct their expenses forcing the others - who do not care- to pay them.
want a Democratic Party that says "no to nuclear power because it has an alternative energy plan, credible and sustainable to be presented to his community.
A Pd brave and much sharper in his yes and its not. Who is not afraid to raise their voices in defense of the territory as it did months ago in parliamentary institutions, in regional and local governments, between citizens with the formation of a popular movement, in front of the wicked attempt to permanently disfigure our coast ranging from Capo Mannu in Santa Caterina with the location of a gate in the sea of \u200b\u200bwind turbines.
that fights to defend the territory that is widespread in the university but of quality. Excellence that is truly University.
That puts into play its power of persuasion and his ability political pressure when the region inexplicably cuts through the ceiling of available resources in favor of the disabled and elderly who are entitled to the benefits of Law 162.
Of course it must be said, the modern reformism, the virtuous activity of government, the political project, which wants to change the world and not simply reflect it as it is, correcting injustice and backwardness, the so-called reform "active", it is often the loser. Because it acts in an environment prone to fears and suggesting retired connottu up, the policy of always reassuring, that of patronage and personal favors, many of which remain tenaciously attached; and why, he told a parliamentary Sardinian whom I respect very much, Guido Melis, needs more time "is not farsighted and nearsighted, farsightedness not close, and create a fruit only later, when the voter is often tired to wait. Immediately, the political reform if it wants to carve, but arouses opposition, disrupts interests large and small, harassing the ingrained habits of whole social strata, the professional classes of income earners at all levels. Upsets reassuring words niches where many survive more or less parasitically ".
I believe that the end was this, let's face it once and for all, the real reason for our defeat at the Regional in the spring of 2009. Perhaps not only that, but certainly true that given the size of our late election.
A defeat and announced that we have not understood in time. And now we must abandon the nostalgic attitude that does not get us anywhere and start a new story, because the season that just ended will be unique for the way it was interpreted and experienced by its protagonists. And perhaps his own players will no longer be stretched out. We must not remain on the sidelines, in a sort of limbo to see what will happen if you do not want to see canceled the results of action effective reform, almost exemplary, carried out in our Island.
Because that innovative design can give breath and perspectives in Sardinia is still there, it certainly changed in some part, adapted to new condition but is able to meet the challenge of the post Cappellacci: an innovative design on which Sardinians can bet again.
For those who believed and still believe, when you will return to rule the region, because we will be back, it will only manage that project renewed at lower stiffness than in the past, like all reforms NEED to be metabolized and generate progress and then consent, also opening many fronts but someone close, and mindful that the policy and its organizations are not an obstacle but a tool for the insights administrative culture and even become a people's project. We must overcome this limitation we scored, which is also in some way hindering the birth of the Democratic Party.
Let's face it we are not only an electoral defeat was caused by bad communication policy of our work. On the other hand, if we can not explain why we did not, we are wrong, and we should stop thinking about our own superiority, because it is only if it is shared and if we have your consent to do things.
If we can not tell us we are worse and not better than our opponents, and we take responsibility to see bad things happen without being able to do anything to counter them.
I look with great confidence to the steps taken by the Regional Secretary in the first months of his work.
And also look positively to the desire to win that back to flow in our veins, the desire to build an alternative to return to rule the country, the region territories. Even our territory. So let's build the alternative. The alternative, the other keyword. We should start a policy of sustainable and credible alliances. I ask for what we are all aware, a kind of majoritarian spirit, a sense of "leader", but also a sense of limitation that always rejects the hysteria.
The alternative is essential at any level, is vital in this area.
Unions have reminded us that we are a province of series B, "with little political clout." I read about the details you have supplied. Data that are shaking: the activity rate was 42 percent (to Cagliari is 47 per cent), employment has stayed at 46 per 51.2 percent against the regional and 57 national, in some areas of Marmilla youth unemployment reaches 70 percent. The per capita income amounted to € 11 000, while the regional average is more than one thousand euro. Dramatic numbers which must be added to over a thousand jobs lost in construction, the 144 cut in the school. Even the 350 workers laid off (and notwithstanding the ordinary), the 118 mobile and only a few days ago the 22 redundancies in procurement telephone.
The silence of the Regional Administration. The inertia of an administration marked by internal divisions, too provincial to its majority.
I really hope that the profile of the party that we're going to also define what is now anticipated by Bersani, a party that is not only the opposition but build "alternative."
I said aware of its role but also its limits. Not alone but along with those around us based on a shared program. We lay and we will not be imprisoned by ideological schemes, from a vision all in black and white that sometimes creeps into our house.
alternative to a small group of power in our region threatens everywhere, and that claims to operate on all the shots on everything that's shot in the legs institutions democracy itself with infinite commissioner, which now embarrasses even moderate political forces tend yet linked to a strong tradition for autonomy and a value system anchored in the fundamental principles expressed in our Constitution.
alternative that focuses on transparency of documents on the expertise of those who are called to hire them, a project strongly on identity, and also on natural leadership for this area that wants to go back to count.
These are some of the keywords that within the next few days we will decline within a political project with agency executive who will be elected. A program that will be a little 'wiki, as claimed by my friend Civati, and that will be defined along.
My candidacy stems from a single bet of the Democrats in the province of Oristano, who also have faced just two months ago, bitterly but civilly, on three national and two regional motions.
was not in a field in a different context or juxtaposition.
There are other terms that the cement than to try to give the Democrats in this area that are already there, the party that does not yet exist and where there is need to transform ideas into projects and i effective projects in administrative actions.
To provide an opportunity for participation in the life of our small communities, to select the best leadership through attention "to" and the significant appreciation of local civic experiences. Alimentiamoci of these experiences, unlike the Democratic Party does not grow.
My nomination has gone through a mix of old procedures but also new ways that have allowed to probe first clubs in the level of appreciation of the proposal.
thank publicly those who wanted to experiment with this mode tenaciously certainly not new, resisting the temptation of easy "fireplaces".
The initial purpose of the unit will remain a staple of my commitment to members and voters knowing that for it to be real and not merely a gilded cage, will always represent a later stage than the internal debate and discussion . And then you decide and that decision is a commitment and for all.
No one will be marginalized. I know what it means to be. It is not only my commitment: it is the only request I have advanced as far as I have proposed to take on this responsibility, demanding not only to share but to put together, that is for the parliamentary and regional advisers and for those who have a sort of personal equipment inherited from the past experiences, "available" to all the resources of each so that they can become friends and comrades of all.
In the area the party is built that way. There are other roads. And not just the Provincial Secretary and the Executive Team who will be elected next Saturday.
A party that knows how to create relations, combining the territories, which holds together the cities and small towns, that keeps us connected, it also invites a comparison between the generations. Because of course there must be a time for everyone. And do not wait for 50 years.
A single project that the idea of \u200b\u200ba community of people working towards the same goal. Contrary to what has happened in the past and not just locally.
will be a path to long term. Our delay is in fact not only electoral, political, and I think it is also cultural.
The journey will be long but if we do this together we will reach that result in these two years we have only glimpsed: the Democratic Party in the province of Oristano. "


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