Monday, September 25, 2006

Can You Recover From Mariuana

A little 'strange, I read the following thoughts on a Blog quite famous:
"However, I never heard any friends tell me that he left a woman for being too stupid. I heard instead of women left because: arrogant, pain in the ass, arid, with aggressive personality . And, correct me if I'm wrong, all these defects is befitting to strong personalities, and not pretty dolls. And then, returning to the questions: a beautiful woman is forgiven by being stupid, but you can forgive the fact that smart? "

Now, someone kindly explain how a woman who is consciously (as then if they pull it of being "strong personalities " or " have two balls cos i"): arrogant, pain in the ass, dry, personality aggressive and, I add, prevaricating selfish and egocentric , reasonably thought to be an intelligent woman ?


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