Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Strep Throat What Does It Look Like

Pride and Presumption

(ie: let's talk about 'tits and ass or else I spun and I went into crisis, I know ...)

While we grow older and become wise in the meantime, then I think I understood only Recently something about my presumption. What has always made me believe that the exercise of pride in being a love affair that had nothing confrontational demonstration of weakness.
I have always believed that before a couple of my friends they did note that to avoid doing what he says little, which makes little that is exposed and even less, was in itself proof of courage, self-confidence.
The fallacious equation has always been: "I love you, so why should I hide?" Why should not I tell you, if I hear, loud and clear, even if we're arguing, even if you do the precious, the coy, the bitch (see you, as appropriate, in other words).
Mind you, is quite different from the famous let-them-see-you-bleed. This is not to come to admit "I feel bad for you, I suffer for what I do / etc does not make me."
fact, has often been a sign of complacency. Of willingness to listen. The rescue at times. How to throw a life preserver in the waves in the storm, hoping that the other there is clinging. In other words: it does not matter if we're saying things that we do not like, now. I still exist.
And then, by dint of slaughter me, I learned that this is far from proof of inner strength. Quite the contrary.
It's to step into the killing ground.
E 'a move stupid is the wrong choice, appreciated the generosity, courage was not found.
Pride and exercise are not stupid weakness. They are a defensive weapon.
not use it is foolish and deadly. Why
opponent who is holding a 9mm to the head, you can also say, arrogant, "If you do go ahead and pull the trigger, but be quick because I do not know shit and night here." And he probably will lower the gun.
They, the women pull the trigger.


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