Saturday, December 12, 2009

Different Plates In Ontario

Thousand Places - The thousand and

By December 31, 2009, will be 're-discussed the so-called Pisanu decree which introduced following the attack in London in 2005, stringent legislation on access to the Internet.
Among these, the most 'glaring concern the wi-fi for the grant of the premises must apply for authorization to the Police and grant access only after the user has' presented identification document and will be 'registered. You and 'the obligation to keep the data traffic,' cause they can be available to the authorities.
To make a comparison, the number of Wi-Fi access in France is 5 times as much, although it has tried to close the gap thanks to the policies implemented by some provinces and local administrations. Meanwhile
and 'as usual to organize the network and 100 people, including bloggers, journalists, professors and lawyers signed the "Charter of the Hundred" . At
"A thousand squares for the alternative" promoted by the Democratic Party for the next weekend, we thought it was necessary to add one: 1001esima, a square telematics you find here .
The network is a place of true freedom, even in Italy. Internet access should be a right for all citizens, as proposed by Zapatero in Spain, as promised Finnish citizens by their own government.
controls and security measures must not impede the free flow of ideas on the web. The
Pisanu and other government initiatives suggest that someone the freedom and democracy do not like the network: we argue instead that we must protest against any gag legislative to the Italian network. Please show your support for the free network, the spread of broadband and to bridge the digital divide, by acting on the square of telematics and share this message through your blog and your pages in socialnetwork . For a nation free and united on the web too.
what to do here now? Simple. In the space of the comments you leave a trace of your passage in the square telematics ideas and suggestions are welcome.


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