Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mothers - Russian Quotes

MEIC - Training policy and politics

Yesterday I had the opportunity to participate in the training course organized by Meic Policy, in collaboration with members of various youth party Oristano.

The topics were very interesting, although the manner in which they are managed are likely to have sin, in my view, excessive solasticità.
E 'was an interesting course, historically backwards, the intricacies of those events and circumstances that saw the birth and development of fascism and Sardismo. This would be the theme of the popular, but the relattore, a dear friend, is unfortunately still stuck at home by the influenza virus.
I deeply appreciated the response of the first speaker at the request of a young man in the PDL "What saved today, teacher, setting policy Fascist?". The answer has broken a silence and general expectation imbarazante. "Nothing, do not save anything. This is my answer."
I liked the historical reconstruction of the birth and evolution Sardista, though s'intravvedesse in some respects a certain and, moreover, legitimate interpretive singularity in the reading of some historical events. I was fascinated by the quality of skills of the speakers.
In all honesty, however, one aspect has left me puzzled: the almost total absence of debate. Precisely the crux around which such an initiative is legitimate in its functionality more clear, the training, I found it lacking. A debate "actualizing" on two of the ideological platforms that both have written on the pages of history, a chat, then, that we clarify the ideas on what remains today of those two schools of thought, I would have been appreciated. Why, in my view, is not quite the meticulous historical reconstruction to show the possibility of a training and delucidante, but rather that array of considerations, personal or public, in part, more or less to be proposed, which not only push us kids but each individual to ask questions and seek answers. And here I must leave you in the planning of subsequent appointments.
For the rest I would like to thank deeply Meic and tremendous commitment of the teacher I used for the important work he is doing and where it shows careful to involve them.


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