Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dora Explorer Backpack Pattern

The man with the balls

Di Gianni Sanna

Although fifteen years is the undisputed leader of Italian politics will fail ever to earn the title of statesman. Berlusconi is not a statesman. It takes more to get that recognition. Not enough to win three times in the general election, albeit interspersed with two stinging defeats.
The prestige, authority, the moral rectitude, sense and respect for the institutions that do not belong to their quality. Giolitti, De Gasperi, Fanfani, Moro, Nenni, Jotti, Andreotti, Ingrao, Spadolini Scalfaro, Ciampi, Prodi, Napolitano - just to name a few - were and are other pasta. The awards have demonstrated now with unanimous on the right and left, in Italy and worldwide.
Yesterday, "Silvio" has dealt a blow to the credibility of Italian politics. At the Congress of the EPP, the bastard family of the European people in today De Gasperi and Adenauer should not be particularly proud, offered a depiction of himself and of the institutions of the country - which is unfortunately - quite ridiculous. Of himself and his reputation is free to do what he wants, but the country's prestige and credibility of its constitutional bodies should not be tarnished. He said in his speech: "The sovereignty is going to the courts. Parliament makes the laws, but if they do not like to party Judges this is addressed to the Constitutional Court and the Court repealing the law. We are working to change this situation through a reform of the Constitution. " The Look 'by Watchdog has turned into a political body. By repealing the Alfano practically told prosecutors: resume the manhunt against the prime minister. " And one of the reasons for this is that "unfortunately we have had three consecutive presidents all left."
Folle. So much so that the President of the Republic too cautious this time could not fail to stigmatize a document with the express his disappointment. The same President of the Chamber of Deputies has again distanced himself by asking the head of the government to clarify the meaning of those statements perhaps aberrant in front of Parliament.
But Berlusconi also knows that sovereignty belongs to the people is exercised within the limits and in the manner prescribed by the Constitution, that ours is a democracy and not a competitive democratic dictatorship, that the principle of equality is a cornerstone of our legal system that allows no exceptions unreasonable, that the legislative power belongs to Parliament and that the common law is a source subject to the Constitution and can never violate it, that there are bodies of guarantee - President of the Republic and especially the Constitutional Court (the Consulta, in fact) - Members precisely to ensure the proper exercise of the constitutional prerogatives of the different powers.
The state constitution is a victory that allowed the subjects to become citizens. He represented the state in order to assert the rule of law where no one is above the law, though invested with a broad electoral mandate, and where no one can make laws for its own use and consumption in disregard of the fundamental principles of.
Fortunately, our founding fathers have known fascism and writing our Constitution has provided a mechanism for checks and balances that can protect our democracy from any explicit or implicit attempt to alter it.
Those Fathers deserve all the recognition of statesmen for having been able to look away, knowing that they had experienced that season was saved for their children and grandchildren. So it was for sixty-two years and I think it will be for those that lie ahead.
does not matter if you do not like Berlusconi.
must resign themselves to the idea that the Constitution is rigid and stronger than him and that will endure over time even after the Italians - finally - sent him home.
course, can console themselves by repeating to himself, as he did yesterday: "Where there is a strong and tough, with balls like Silvio Berlusconi?". And - if you think - take pleasure in the fact that such a statement has caused general hilarity in the audience who listened.
After all he is a statesman. Statesmen are content just to stir up attention and respect.


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