Friday, March 5, 2010

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Sleep Region Produces Monsters

Di Marcello Fois

comment on the current political season in Sardinia means, in many ways, a trip in the dark muddy dell'insipienza. The result of the recent elections, which ousted that overbearing Renato Soru from the helm of a region which was in danger of being lost in the open sea dell'illiberalismo, reported that same region in the quagmire in which it was planned that ran aground.
A year later it is clear that the restoration took place in full: coast building, housing deregulation, immobility, spoils-system savage return welfarism electoral complete disappearance from the landscape of Sardinia national media. The president Silvio Berlusconi a year ago, from the streets of Sardinia, has made commitments and very precise wording of a very short time, a year, to solve those two or three things that the dictator had undone Soru: building on the coast against the illiberal block (the votes of the territories coastal), placing the problems associated with the laxity with which Mr. Tiscali had addressed matters of Porto Vesme and Sulcis Iglesiente (votes suited) immediate resolution through the "friend Vladimir" (Putin) deals and annexations of factories, ravine where the Communist billionaire had not spent enough (more votes); immediate spread happiness and smiles against the shadowy, Presbyterian, Syrian behavior, the ipso facto proof that the Sassari-Olbia was given a well established, so that all he wanted was a phone call to begin the work, the satisfaction of being able to explain to La Maddalena how you could benefit from a G8 run triple from the right rather than from the Stalinist left.
Well a year has passed and a new interior landscape is wide open before the eyes of politicians Sardinians. Those with a straight back into the silence of the Secretariat said that, as the last and least equipped elector of the village, too, although long-time directors, this time there has been deceived, and that, unmark the current turn of events , is becoming an imperative. A right someone understands that the only chance to afford at least a hint of election campaign in Sardinia is to immediately take the distances from the Regional Government in that year, as established in Arcore, was conspicuous by its absence.
left the problem effectively is to cultivate a short memory and try to forget that the active participation of many "progressive" coalition to cross the doctors, bricklayers and courtly, he gave Berlusconi in Sardinia without the right of sbattesse much. However, shortly before the Region, to Berlusconi, was given the flag Quattro Mori, just to sanctify yet another turning point sardisti of looking for a place in the sun. Quell 'image will remain as an icon of Sardinian history and as recently confirmed that there are coalitions, the March on Rome onwards, have made the "flow" style. Tailoring policy begins to claim victims as soon as there is confusion between national and local politics. In fact, those who have their own style and recognizable without ambiguity, as the very interesting movement of the IRS, forward, deservedly, in popular esteem.
Members of the IRS understand that, in this particular contingency, the upcoming local elections in Sardinia have concerns about how far apart are the objectives of the National Government the actual needs of Sardinia today. And recent events prove him right on all fronts. For example, the horrendous wiretaps involving local politicians in the investigation Sardinian procurement G8 designed by Soru, La Maddalena. We understand clearly why the National Premier has so fierce antipathy against interception. They, while not giving anything illegal, indicate something worse: a court of servants silly bully the weak and timid with the powers that be.
This slime widespread reports of backroom deals, agreed to appointment of lobbyes rampant, and, although not always feasible, equalize illegality, because the impotence of the states that we believed to elect representatives freely. A sample media such as the Hon. Berlusconi knows that it is precisely this lack of confidence that you die as a political leader. Certainly Dr. Cappellacci not currently have this same problem: finished its task of lightning, from which it comes back into oblivion as nails (if anyone remembers him, the governor of Abruzzo?).
E 'own Hugh Cappellacci the character more "interesting" in this very sad story, in his huge and clumsy attempt to appear to the administrator of the Sardinian service, rather than Berlusconi. In his having to ask permission agreed not to outsource any of the predecessors to the point that Pili and Soru seem, by comparison, two giants of not only political, but also local pride. Yet we are in a region where, more or less clear, the judges will determine if they are dealing with, we must return at least one winner of Sanremo and who was robbed of the G8, with its consequences in terms of social truce.
had not the G8? Take, Valerio Scanu! Which, among other things, a lake and was promoted by the Regional Councillor for Culture of excellence in the Sardinian sample that relies on a national level. Moreover as to blame Mrs. Baire seen the silence dense Sardinian intellectuals, including some that are really excels. Just think ': domestic suppliers and friends, winners of festivals and brown tissue. Very much in line with cowardly idea of \u200b\u200bSardinia. Soon, in the coastal town continues, we will return to do the unskilled workers, the messengers, the keepers of the night, gardeners, waiters, seasonal, guardians of the villas, yachts in the hubs. Then, finally tamed, will run to wear the costume room to be ready to deliver wreaths of myrtle and sweet almond to tourists at ports and airports. Sleep Region Produces Monsters.


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