Sunday, March 14, 2010

How To Secure A Mirror On A Mantle

McCarthy Worse than sixty years ago

of Eugenio Scalfari

to omit the usual hour and querulous lamentations of our national pseudo St. Sebastian pierced with arrows of communist magistrates. It seems to me more interesting to start this article with a remark on the common sense of the centrists.
The centrists, those who do not like to take a position, even at times when taking sides is inevitable, take refuge in the technique to get the ball in the stands rather than keep it on the field. The arguments used and now practices are: to describe the manifestations of such tired rituals people lived with bored indifference even to those who take part, stressed that "real issues" are not those of deployment but the programs of the regions in which they will vote March 28 and finally to stress the importance of mass abstention from the vote as a signal suitable to lead the political class on course administration.

This centrist wisdom does not seem to grasp the reality with regard to the facts and it seems to me quite reckless in its proposals. The square of the People yesterday afternoon was packed and seething passion, sense of responsibility and set of furious indignation nothing to do with the indifference a rite tired. The proposal addressed to the center of the abstention shows the rope: the abstention would only be a favor to us sgoverna majority and the government does not at all on the right path of good administration.

The government would be happy to abstention on the left to offset the large abstention that is visible on the right. If it is true - and even the centrists say it now quite clearly - that the government can not express a policy in place but puts all the legal and illicit means to shore up his power by canceling checks and guarantees, the instrument of choice is the only one capable of punishing him that if they register or change go. The voters of the right in good faith to refrain turarsi instead of the nose to smell that bad now perceive themselves, and those left will vote without hesitation because it is the only way to come to your senses and lay stunned a country that makes the crack man Low institutions.

The real problems, unemployment, loss of income, immigration, health care, the South, are many and serious, but the problem is precisely the problem and the clique of the gang boss. If not resolved prior to, all others will continue to rot.

We have yet another confirmation of the latest news coming from the prosecutor of Trani, which are all over the papers yesterday. The Prime Minister claimed that the Authority guarantor of pluralism in the media "zero transmission Annozero, repeatedly gave indications of how to conduct Minzolini Tg1, has imposed on the Director General of RAI to block unwanted transmissions.
is possible that these behaviors do not constitute serious crimes, but it certainly tells a policy of oppression against indecent pluralism and press freedom. For a party leader and especially for the prime minister and head of the executive, these repeated interventions should take immediate and irrevocable resignation. It should be the first to claim against its employees, including co-founder of the PDL, Gianfranco Fini.
* * *

The constitutional concept of Silvio Berlusconi is very clear: he wants to rewrite the Constitution. Not to modify some points, but rewrite it distorting the spirit, making the summit a "conducator" directly elected by the people with the parliamentary majority he himself is subject to its stated desire not only the executive and the legislative as well as the magistrates of the public Ministry, the Constitutional Court and the authority to control and assurance.

This project is not born but is now in his mind since 2001, when the term began that lasted until 2006 and took place during the seven of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi at the Quirinale. The differences between the president and the prime minister were numerous, especially that theme had as its object, not being able to change the Constitution in the manner he desired Berlusconi tried to change it in fact systematically challenging the powers of head of state and the powers that derived.
The head of state is the crowning institution of parliamentary democracy as well as set up our Constitution and, for that the major obstacle to the projects of Berlusconi. It is therefore no coincidence that its targets were constant Scalfaro, Ciampi, Napolitano, three men very different, with different characters and different cultural origins, but with the same dedication to their constitutional duties. And why all three were targeted by Berlusconi since he ascended to the presidency for the first time the Council had in mind to govern alone, without any obstacles whatsoever to review the legality of his actions and limit the discretion that He wants full and complete.

The friction with Ciampi were, as I mentioned, numerous. Two of them in particular took place in circumstances of extreme tension. The first occasion of the appointment of three judges of the Constitutional Court, the second at the time of the promulgation of the Gasparri law on the national television system.

I had the good fortune to Ciampi to be bound by a friendship that has lasted forty years, so he had a long tale of those two episodes shortly after they took place. I have never revealed the story, which I have kept the notes in my journal daily. I hope that President Ciampi will forgive me if I mention it now because I have so far complied with the confidentiality that has no more raison d'etre to the point where came the Italian political situation.

The episode concerning the appointment of three judges of the Check in the amount that the Constitution reserves to the President of the Republic, took place in the hall of patio del Quirinale. Also present were Secretary General of the Quirinale, Gifuni and Secretary to the Prime Minister Gianni Letta. The topics for discussion were two: the relationship with the European Commission in Brussels, where the prime minister had to go to solve some important problems and the appointment of three judges.

Spent the first argument Ciampi took out a folder from the three measures for the appointment and he informed Berlusconi names chosen by him. Berlusconi objected that he wanted to think about it and asked for time to reflect and make a list of alternative names. Ciampi said that the choice in terms of the Constitution, was attributable to its exclusive and that the signature of the Prime Minister was due to an act that served only by a notary public to certify that the signature of the Head of State was authentic and occurred in his presence. That said, without further ado Ciampi took the pen and signed through the three documents to Berlusconi for the counter.
At that point the prime minister got angry tone and said he would never have signed not because he dislikes the names of the judges but because no one could force him to submit to a choice that did not come from him, the sole source of sovereignty, since they derive from sovereign people.
Ciampi's response was cold: "The documents will be sent to you in an hour at Palazzo Chigi. I've signed in your presence and in the presence of two qualified witnesses. If you do not regain my back immediately countersigned by you will be forced to raise a jurisdictional dispute before the Constitutional Court. "Hail" Berlusconi said as coldly and left the patio followed by letters. In the evening, the three went back to Ciampi acts of appointment duly countersigned.

The second episode occurred during a breakfast at the Quirinale, always in the presence of Gifuni and letters. The House voted by the Gasparri law and had forwarded to Ciampi to sign promulgation. Presented, in the eyes of the Head of State, various and serious grounds of unconstitutionality and mortified that pluralism is an essential requirement in a democracy, and on which, just a few months ago, Ciampi sent his message to Parliament.

The breakfast had just started when Ciampi informed his guest of his intention to refer the bills to Parliament as the Constitution authorizes it to do with the reasons for the postponement and the points of law to be amended. Berlusconi did not wait for that court. He rose with a rush and raised his voice saying that this was a real stab in the back. Ciampi (so his story) he sat still eat, but repeated that he would have referred the law to Parliament. Another shouted that the law would still have been approved as such and returned to the Quirinal and added: "Do you realize that you're hurting and Mediaset Mediaset is one thing I? You're hurting my thing." At that point
Ciampi also stood up and said: "What you just said is very serious.'re confessing that Mediaset is your thing, that you're pointing out to me a blatant conflict of interest. If I had a question to postpone the law, now I have even the obligation. " "Then it will be war between us and you that you have desired. Do not set foot in this building."

went out with his faithful Letta. Ciampi returned the law. Prime Minister for six months did not set foot in the Quirinale.

Last Friday I saw on Sky is a beautiful movie produced by George Clooney. It's called "Good Night and Good Luck," Good night and good luck, and tells of a broadcasting company Democrats who led the protest against the American campaign of intimidation by which Senator McCarthy, chairman of a committee of inquiry of the Senate, was struck and intimidated journalists, academics, producers and actors, businessmen, trade unionists, scientists and the class leader accused of being Communists or their supporters. That
television company, led by a courageous journalist, McCarthy put on trial, he documented the bias and caused such a movement of public opinion that the Senate opened an investigation and McCarthy deposed from all his positions.
Sky has put on air the other day and made a good choice in my opinion: the its relevance is amazing.
I will quote the words with which the protagonist concludes: "Television is a tool that can and should help make people more aware, more responsible and free. If these conditions are missing these targets and television is only a box full of electric wires and tubes. "
I added a box, but sometimes very dangerous if someone take it by force and to monitor their own use.
Good Night, and Good Luck.


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