Monday, September 13, 2010

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Yes I want to make money with Adwords. Access to free resources

recited the titles of thousands web pages across the network.

Funny, charlatans, "disabled" persuaders, misleading. They offer foolproof methods contained in E-book or affiliations prohibitively expensive. In these secret manuscripts, she feels she can not really be able to do without it, the arguments are repeated more or less always the same, such as:

- Discover the secrets to success with Adwords
- Write letters of millions in sales "
- Use the" hypnotic marketing "to persuade users
- exploiting techniques and secrets to make money without working


These images tell you anything? S and have sought resources on Adwords you can not have crossed these sites! It clone each other, are duplicated by the day.
In this post I had the patience to post only a few small example, but I assure you that there are thousands around! And the good news that "American" is spreading alarmingly in Italy. Want some proof? Type in Google " customer acquisition" and click on some sponsored link. Happy reading!

conclude with a small request made these so-called consultants: "but if you have so enriched by your methods, let us know why you wear those awful shirts still in your video in Low Quality?"

Thursday, September 9, 2010

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Enter the reserved area for free and view examples of actual jobs.

this material is strictly personal and not suitable for public disclosure, I have included a form to allow viewing of the contents only to those truly interested. After

have completed the form you will be redirected to the download page.

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Welcome to "Customer acquisition and on-line Customer Acquisition

I the blog of web marketing Logovia

If you came here to check out my services, do not miss the opportunity to visit the other post in this blog. At your disposal insights, white papers, reflections and ideas on how to promote it on the web.

good read

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It 's a web marketing service Logovia

"online customer acquisition" is the new service Web Marketing LOGOVIA that will allow you to promote your business on Google and its partner sites through advertising system ADWORDS .

With "
online customer acquisition" You have the opportunity to increase visits to your site with the absolute certainty that you will receive only clicks from new users already interested in your products and services.

The service we offer really works and we guarantee its absolute effectiveness. All this was made possible only thanks to 2 years of testing in many different sectors, during which we have developed a foolproof method , which takes you back in his 3-point main

1) analyzing web

- listen to your needs first
- look at how you move the "customer" your industry online
- give a check to your site to assess any improvements to be introduced
- we make a thorough research on the behavior of your competitors
- search for key words that best represent your potential customer
- identify strategies to circumvent too competitive markets

2) The development of web marketing campaign on Google Adwords

- open an account and adwords Analitics (statistics)
- tested individually by entering the keywords you choose only the most
profitable - we make so many ad groups as products or services to push
- were suggested as realize the landing page of the site (landing page)
- optimize all costs of the campaign
- carefully select all the web portals where you can publish your ads

3 ) monthly monitoring

- we review all of the keywords
daily - daily testing ads and landing pages (landing pages of the site)
- we send you a detailed monthly report on the progress of the campaign
- advice telephone and mail 30 days out of 30

To learn more, send an email, without obligation, to
Or fill out the form below! we will contact you soon!

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What is Google Adwords


Adwords advertising system is a "pay per click " with which you can advertise your business through the publication of sponsored ads in search results from Google.

Example Assume that you have an outlet in Rome and want to advertise to increase traffic to the site and the online bookings. When users of Google will launch a search with keywords "clothing outlet roma" (which we chose as a keyword), your ad will appear (see ads with a yellow background)

3 simple reasons to choose Adwords:

- you only pay if someone clicks on your ad and reach your site, not when your ad is displayed

- your ads appear to users who are conducting research relevant to your business and therefore already interested

- maximum visibility in a short time. E 'the ideal tool to push a website in
start-up, in Italy and abroad.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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How much to advertise on Adwords? Customer acquisition

little compared to other forms of advertising, but be careful.
(as in the and to whom do you rely on!)

The web marketing is still marketing such as Adwords is still publicity.

What big company would entrust the marketing function to a man without experience to preside over its title it? Most likely None. It would be a failure.

What a great company to delegate the implementation of a national advertising campaign and managing a budget of thousands of euro to a communications improvised? Same answer as before, probably none. It would be a failure.

Same goes for web marketing.
(Although many have not yet understood. As it happens are the ones who then complain)

Well. That said
talk about costs.

Say you've got a hotel by 1200 visitors and a dozen reservations a month and want to double the% of contacts to your site creating an Adwords campaign professional. Here is what you will face:

- advertising dollars to Google: from 250 € per month.
- Advice analysis and design (from 150 to more than € 2000 €)
- advice monthly management accounts (from 0 to more than 500 €)

As you have understood the crucial component of the consultancy costs .

That said, taking in mind the premise of this post, you feel safe to entrust your communication and advertising to a "professional" for 150 euro for analysis web, you realize the campaign and you manage it for months for free? I would have some doubts.

think that on average such work involves 60 hours of work (including managing monthly) It 'possible that you're paying a professional 2.5 euro per hour gross? At 99% you are entrusting someone who does not know or does not do its job.

What is the price right then?
A consultancy, for example, described to be around 600-700 euro minimum for this campaign and a 200 € monthly for the management and review of the campaign. Below

never mind, over and above requires additional collateral.

Monday, September 6, 2010

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It 's a web marketing service Logovia

What is this?

service "Coaching Customer acquisition" is a training program with which you come into possession, effectively and concisely, all the basic concepts of proper management of the promotion online business in a completely autonomous.

Who is it?

- all companies that want to grow and exploit the full potential of the Web, allocating jobs figures of its staff to promote online.
- To all those who want to acquire new tools to promote themselves online.

The course

Duration: 2 days Full Immersion to 8 hours between

1 ª
day: methodology

the first day is completely dedicated to the acquisition of the methodology behind each type of operation of web marketing.

- test the level of computer literacy
- Topic Overview Course
- Make a proper web analysis: tools and topics.
- Discovering the behavior of the industry and competitors
- The keywords: what they are, how to search, how to use and monitor them
- Concept of "keywords representing the trade" and "effective keywords"
- Optimization of web pages.
- writing web analysis: examples

2 nd day: Adwords and landing pages

The second day is dedicated deepening of all the operational tools of management and monitoring of web marketing.

- The different systems of online promotion
- Adwords: Overview
- Registration, setup and use Adwords Account
- Implementation of effective ads.
- Landing page: What are examples.
- Techniques for the creation of landing pages (landing pages)
- Monitoring systems: conversions and statistics.
- Technical testing ads and landing pages
- Conclusions.

To learn more, send an email, without obligation, to
'll contact you as soon as possible.

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Adwords Coaching: more hits = more customers

E 'VERO! But not for all ..

Trust, hailed from the equation as Google Adwords and many self-styled experts across the network is completely misleading !

Let me explain with an example.

Suppose your site has 600 visitors per month and produces on average 3 new contacts. In practice, a result equal to 0.50% , or a contact for every 200 visits.
Suppose you decide to activate an AdWords campaign "DIY" on your site by creating pages with ads targeted "offers or promotions"
you've created.
Assume that each click of the campaign will cost € 0.20.

Good. The equation

more hits = more customers in this case produces the following results.

  • spending € 10> + 50 hits> contacts ZERO
  • spending € 20> + 100 visits> Contact ZERO
  • spending € 30> +150 visits> Contact ZERO
  • spending € 40> + 200 visits> 1 contacts
  • spending € 50> + 250 visits> Contact ZERO
  • spending € 60> + 300 visits> Contact ZERO
  • ...
  • spending € 80> +400 visits> 1 contacts

All in all not bad if you sell kitchens. You have just spent 40 € for a potential new client to which products sell for tens of thousands of euro.

absolutely no good if you run a hotel or an optical drive. The cost is too high, you do not agree.
Equation "Adwords, more hits = more customers," you're doing just spend a lot of money.

In this case, before starting any operation of that web marketing has a cost, you should investigate the reasons why your site produces only 3 contacts on 600 visitors. Improving this aspect will benefit all of your investment.

For other ideas on this subject visit the category "landing page"!

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Examples of Landing page: SKY

This morning I was looking for some deals for my digital.
typing on google "supply mediaset" But I came across in an ad sponsored by Sky that caught my attention .. and I could not help but click!

was just what I was looking for .. An example of landing pages!

Let's step back a little: the announcement

Sky: Subscribe to Sky
Today My Sky HD Decoder Included
MP3 Player 2GB + Gift. Discover!

Pay attention to the words used in the ad "Subscribe, Today, Discover" . They tell you something?
Yes, they are all "call to action"
(call to action), terms that are confined to stimulate curiosity and therefore the action of a user. That said, let's move forward. The landing page

Those in the know long sharpers Sky in communication. Do you think that the landing page, the head-line of communication (the most beautiful football is only on Sky) is only a corollary, leaving plenty of room for a great call to action. Difficult to leave this page without having accomplished a task.

This landing page is pretty much everything:

  • offer not to be missed: "A whole series in HD from € 29 per month"
  • offer expired with gift safe "subscribers by September 14 gift for you in an mp4 player 2 gigabytes "
  • premium immediately: "My Sky HD decoder"
  • further promise "fixed price for 2 years"
  • possible actions: all three possible actions of a user (ask for info, subscribe and special offers for customers sky)
We just have to learn ..

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The 3 stages of a proper campaign adwords

my opinion.

I apologize to some of you in advance for the title vaguely Jenky.
(I accept suggestions for transforming it into something less presunzioso)

".. because there is a campaign adwords wrong?"
(comment by a client during the first briefing)

Well, yes. There.

The comment unintentionally "funny" my client tells me that most probably this is the case for further theme in a post where there is really no joking.

Let's start by dispelling a few myths:
  1. Adwords is no different from other forms of advertising
  2. Adwords can not work
  3. Adwords do not index the site
  4. Adwords is not for everyone.
The truth is that, as in real life, even a Adwords campaign yields results proportional to the degree of experience.

Here is someone who has put about strange voices ..

Exactly. In almost four minutes you by Google admirably demonstrates how to start your new Adwords campaign, in 5 simple steps
  1. Open an account Adwords
  2. writing campaign
  3. deposit the money
  4. spend, spend, spend
  5. not get the results you expected.
Google is not good.

I usually am one of the "step 6 . Be contacted to optimize AdWords campaigns disastrous settle down only after you understand the customer "demotivated" at the bottom of this error then they sin by many.

What I propose is a methodology common to all marketing operations, which summarize in three points:
  1. Analysis web
  2. adwords campaigns
  3. Monitoring

For further information please click on one of the arguments.

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Analysis web first

also takes away the "web". Analysis first.

's right, the ' analysis is considered the first step in any strategy marketing. There is no effective strategy that at its base does not have a correct analysis.

two statements may seem obvious, but if you think about it, how many business start websites, e-commerce, blogs, and advertising with the best intentions, but then they become victims of so-called "crisis results from the absence of ?

unwilling to provide data and statistics, but it is a very disproportionate number! (95% but did not tell anyone .. ed)

This is because it is assumed that to start online business and acquiring new customers 2-3 just enter online bids, to advertise in some portal (please do not speak to me of Yellow Pages), a series of ads on adwords or facebook and you're done.

Unfortunately it is not so, but do not despair. It 'only a question of method, whose motto is "do not improvise and do not leave anything to chance." Are you ready for the first step: the web analytics ..

What is the web analytics

If you have in mind to start an online business or oversee the network by creating more value I suggest you start first in-depth analysis on the web, in order not to dovertene regret later.
The questions that must give precise answers this work are:

- How do I move my market on the network? What are your potential?
- Who are my customers and what do they seek?
- Who's on my network that offers the same services and / or products? What strategy did you use?
- What should I use communication tools to reach the target identified?

After receiving such information or found one can begin to assess the profitability of an investment on the Internet.
If you are interested in this topic know that I made a post dedicated here is the link.

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Landing page here explained its importance

Among the elements to be connected its AdWords ads, Google also requires the so-called "destination URL", or the address of the page where the surfer will land after clicking on the ad in question.

Although many advertisers are accustomed to using the website home page as a landing page, instead it is a good idea to create new "media" dedicated to the campaign.

These pages are called landing page (in fact, landing pages) and are considered one of the crucial action in a pay per click.

Landing pages, unlike the pages "common" in the Web site, are designed in order to stimulate the desires of visitors to convert them into customers.

Prefer the landing to the home page or other pages on the site has a number of significant advantages, including:

  • the opportunity to contact potential customers with targeted messages, based on terms that were searched on Google,
  • improve your Quality Score, which saves budget;
  • avoid distracting potential customers from the target of the campaign.

In general, a good landing page provides a conversion rate higher than the pages of your site.
