Monday, September 6, 2010

My Dog Had Puppies And Now Is Digging

Adwords Coaching: more hits = more customers

E 'VERO! But not for all ..

Trust, hailed from the equation as Google Adwords and many self-styled experts across the network is completely misleading !

Let me explain with an example.

Suppose your site has 600 visitors per month and produces on average 3 new contacts. In practice, a result equal to 0.50% , or a contact for every 200 visits.
Suppose you decide to activate an AdWords campaign "DIY" on your site by creating pages with ads targeted "offers or promotions"
you've created.
Assume that each click of the campaign will cost € 0.20.

Good. The equation

more hits = more customers in this case produces the following results.

  • spending € 10> + 50 hits> contacts ZERO
  • spending € 20> + 100 visits> Contact ZERO
  • spending € 30> +150 visits> Contact ZERO
  • spending € 40> + 200 visits> 1 contacts
  • spending € 50> + 250 visits> Contact ZERO
  • spending € 60> + 300 visits> Contact ZERO
  • ...
  • spending € 80> +400 visits> 1 contacts

All in all not bad if you sell kitchens. You have just spent 40 € for a potential new client to which products sell for tens of thousands of euro.

absolutely no good if you run a hotel or an optical drive. The cost is too high, you do not agree.
Equation "Adwords, more hits = more customers," you're doing just spend a lot of money.

In this case, before starting any operation of that web marketing has a cost, you should investigate the reasons why your site produces only 3 contacts on 600 visitors. Improving this aspect will benefit all of your investment.

For other ideas on this subject visit the category "landing page"!


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