Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Is It Ok To Get A Star Tattoo For A Guy

When I said ...

About a year ago ... and everyone laughed ...

December 6, 2006
Few iPod Owners Are Big iTunes Buyers

Forrester's recent analysis of More Than 2.700 U.S. iTunes debit and credit card Transactions Reveals That 3% of Online Households made an iTunes purchase in the past year. Apple's iTunes Proves That $ 0.99 micropayments for digital music can lead Substantial revenue to; buyers Spent an average of $ 35 at iTunes over the past year. With half of all Transactions costing $ 3 or less, though, transaction fees threaten to make iTunes unprofitable. Since the introduction of the iTunes Music Store, Apple Has Been steadily selling just 20 iTunes tracks for Each iPod sold, suggesting That even at $ 0.99, Most Consumers Still Are not sold on the value of digital music.
(source: Forrester Research)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

White Spot On Gums By Where I Had A Tooth Pulled

and weeks of the bridge, too!

I was the star of last week, here. 6-12/12.
It seems to have been a great success.
are Bravin, eh?

It was also the week of the bridge .... Santambroeus

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Dental Sayings And Quotes

is also true for the woman, however

Bree confronts Orson with the police reports he and Carolyn Gave her Explains That He Never Hit His first wife, But When She Was Only defending Himself Attacked HIM. He says if Carolyn paid enough attention to her own marriage, Harvey Would Never Have Cheated on her with Some stewardess named Monique.

DH, season 3. Step 7. "Bang!"
Absolutely one of the finest and the best of the entire saga of the third series.
"And He Went with who? A stewardess named Monique. How clichèèd .. is not it?"
Speaking of clichés, however, do not think is true only for men.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Toe Infections From Pedicures

Saturday Night's Alright ... Quite

Do not Give Us None Of Your Aggravation
We had it with your discipline
Saturday night's alright for fighting
Get a little action in

Monday, November 20, 2006

Install Closet Door Before Carpet

Beirut, late afternoon

The man on the opposite roof took a while to die.
His feeble wail was audible from where we were sprawled on our bellies, behind the parapet.
The modified M40 was lying next to me. Normally I wouldn't have left it beside but for giving my arms a brief rest.
But all we still had to do that afternoon was waiting for the car to come and pick us up. That was, if they didn't get stopped by some Druze or Maronite bullets along the way. It didn't look like we'd be shooting again, for that day. Dusk was coming up fast.
Everybody was shooting at everyone.
From time to time a shot would ring out a few blocks uphill.
We couldn't put an end the man's misery with another shot. We had already moved off since I'd shot him and firing another round would mean giving away our new position.
A few minutes later a classic, battered, grey, mid-east model Mercedes sedan rounded the corner at the end of the street, coming from the general direction of the harbour. It seeemed to slither and bounce among the rubble littering the pavement as a wary animal prowling its hunting ground seeking preys, fearing enemies.
As it bore SLA insignia nobody was targeting it, although you could be certain a few gunmen from a roof or the occasional window had it in their sights by now and were tracking it up the street.
The man had stopped crying. Either that or the approching car's engine was covering him.
Brian eyed me warily and I nodded. He nodded back.
He edged back, ever so slightly form his position so that no one could see him from below when he got up to a crouch and trotted to the stairs door that led downward.
I counted forty seconds and did the same, picking up my rifle and leaving the camouflaged tarpaulin where it was.
We had no backup. Anyone could have crawled up the stairs of the abandoned condo while we stationed on its roof and any apartment door at any floor could thus hide an enemy. That's why we were getting down spaced out.
At the main entrance Brian was looking for the car, leaning out of the doorway.
He nodded at a signal from his earpiece. That meant The Car Was No More Than Half a minute away. We Both
Took out our kefiahs and Wore Them, the best way to disguise even Ourselves Temporarily, as local militians.
The Mercedes stopped two yards out in the street. The driver beckoned us with a hand and the back door flew open. The Brian Followed swiftly into the car, the reflection Went on the floor. The driver
Set The gear into drive and slowly did a u-bouncy turn.Nobody uttered a word.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Resolver Codigo 43 Webcam

Two weeks [in] another woman. The Departed

not invent a damn. So much so that the title I took from here .
But this time - when life has me a bit 'spoiled, my PC I was kicked in the balls, I've returned them to him, for now we're jogging, but by comparison, Walk of Israel in Lebanon this summer was just a walk - I came to the conclusion that the exchange of couples do not need just to understand what really turns me on that a little blonde 'slut that you beat your friend, how to understand situational situations in which you could be far worse now. Indeed, RFN.
Ok, you do not understand.
It's simple: because she complains about not devoting enough time, looks, attention, dialogue, letter, Will? He complains because she is (to him) one who is never anything good, it is intractable, nervous, far away?
Send it to 15 days in the life (and especially in the relationship) of someone else. Someone who is really spaccapalle, whiny, selfish, cold, absent, fancazzista, messy, stressful, restless.
two weeks.
It is not difficult. In the circle of your friends / ic there is certainly someone who can identify as The Real Deal.
I do I look away and remote? Try to spend two weeks with Massimo and talk about it.
you pair a woman always unhappy and scassacazzo? You're 15 days with Stephanie and then come and tell me it is.
Believe me, you do not see how to Barbara like to be taken that will save you from behind. The shock on the road to Damascus does not pass through the fourth D cup of your neighbor and not the "new cross-experiences" that save the relationship.
E 'revision being of the true "worst" that will open your eyes and make you kiss the ground where she (or he) will break the balls. Every day.

Ah, "welcome back" shit!
5 cents, please.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Peach Satin Maybelline

A fucking masterpiece.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Where Did The Surname Karg Originate

No Space! A

President George W. Bush said it is necessary to block access to the area to the enemies of the USA.

Soon after, Cuba, Fidel Castro did suspend the elastic wrap on "The Tiburon", the missile test of the revolutionary state.
"Es useless, chicos," he said.

Track And Field Back Packs

Ermi ... Miami Vice

Becca Teve 'is harping on Art. Maybe learn something.
I hope.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tonsil Cancer Orange Juice

If you decided to discard Miami Vice was because you were not fans of the TV series, do not worry.
If you had decided to discard it because you saw the poster with the two hard on the Ferrari 430, do not worry. You're in good company .

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Recall Letter For A Dune Buggy Import

Guy goes to Flickr The Black Dahlia

There is a new sheriff on Flickr.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

Asthma Left Untreated

Love, power, crime, murder, redemption.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Keep Laces Tied On Moccasins

Masterpieces: Danny and Tess

TESS: Danny ...
DANNY: You're doing a great job curating the museum
She sighs, exasperated.
DANNY: The Vermeer is quite good. Simple
but vibrant. Although his work
definitely fell off as he got
TESS: Remind you of anyone?
DANNY: And I still get Monet and Manet
confused. Which one married his
TESS: Monet.
DANNY: Right. Manet had syphilis.
TESS: They also painted occasionally .
A beat.
DANNY: You don't know how many times I
played this conversation out in my
head the last two years.
TESS: Did it always go this poorly?
TESS: Sounds frustrating.
DANNY: You were never easy.
(as she shrugs)
Okay. I'll make this quick. I came
here for you. I'm gonna get on with
my life, and I want you with me.
TESS: You're a thief and a liar.
DANNY: I only lied about being a thief.
But I don't do that anymore.
TESS: Steal?
TESS: I'm with someone now who doesn't
have to make that kind of
DANNY: No, he's very clear on both.
TESS: Nice. Work on that for two years, too?
DANNY: Year and a half.
A light smile from Tess.
TESS: Do you know what your problem is?
DANNY: I only have one?
TESS: You've met too many people like you.
I'm with Terry now.
DANNY: Does he make you laugh?
TESS: He doesn't make me cry.
TESS: See, the kind of people you steal
things from, they have insurance
to compensate them. They get made
whole again. I had to leave New
York to get away from what
happened. How do I get my five
years back, Danny?
DANNY: You can't. But what you can do is
not throw away another five years.
TESS: You don't know anything about --
DANNY: (leaning in) Listen, you don't love me anymore,
you want to make a life with
someone else? Fine, I'll have to
live with that. But not him.
TESS: Spoken like a true ex-husband.
DANNY: I'm not joking, Tess.
TESS: I'm not laughing, Danny.
You have to admit there's a
conflict of interest when you give
me advice about my love life.
Danny exhales and leans back.
DANNY: Yes. But that doesn't mean I'm
She looks at him, and maybe part of her knows that he
isn't. She looks down at his ring, somewhat wistful.
He sees her looking at it.
TESS: Do you remember what I said to you
when we first met?
DANNY: You said: you better know what you're doing

How To Wear A Good Weave

Amazing Amazon

time ago I walked from Feltrinelli International, Cavour. And I've seen this . It cost 35
Euri. I looked a bit 'too much 35 euros for a book of 200 pages, format statement. So I searched on Amazon.
The good news was that it was "like new" to 0.75 dollars (0.50 euro). The bad news, that the shipment will cost 10 (8 euros). Always less than 35.
In a week I arrived. Not long ago it took only a week to order to your bookstore ... an Italian book
And all this thanks to the Net
Now, everything for us is taken for granted, but when I stop a moment to reflect on certain things, there is always some 'surprise.
In any case, now I finish the De Mille amazing way to purchase and then above. And I know that I will want to travel on a freighter.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Where To Buy Unfinished Wood Blocks

"Feeling protected is very seductive"

I do not like Cuba Gooding Jr .
I never liked his films, I have interpreted it too much and too stupid. And even the most "serious" I was never convinced. But in this
, it is really very good. As well as Helen Mirren (The Queen).
And the film is a little gem of screenwriting and directing.
not to be missed.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Babies With Windburned Cheeks

How to seduce a woman I did not understand

I found that if in a room there are 58 people, there are about 99.4 out of 100 chance that at least two were born the same day of the year.

Cool, eh?
(Of course, not about how to seduce a woman, but now you have read ...)

Ah, but you hope in this ..

Monday, September 25, 2006

Can You Recover From Mariuana

A little 'strange, I read the following thoughts on a Blog quite famous:
"However, I never heard any friends tell me that he left a woman for being too stupid. I heard instead of women left because: arrogant, pain in the ass, arid, with aggressive personality . And, correct me if I'm wrong, all these defects is befitting to strong personalities, and not pretty dolls. And then, returning to the questions: a beautiful woman is forgiven by being stupid, but you can forgive the fact that smart? "

Now, someone kindly explain how a woman who is consciously (as then if they pull it of being "strong personalities " or " have two balls cos i"): arrogant, pain in the ass, dry, personality aggressive and, I add, prevaricating selfish and egocentric , reasonably thought to be an intelligent woman ?

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Blood Donation Delays Menstrual Cycle

Hollywood, Hollywood! I am a genius

Bitch, I thought ... ...
... we could make a film: The Pink Panther the secret admirer.

If only Peter were still alive ...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Yellow And Green Whats That Mean?

not for nothing that I have a secret admirer.
And you do not.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Melina Velba In Bikini

You Only Live Twice

[invisible ink]

Monday, September 18, 2006

Toastmaster Bread Machine Model1195 Recipes

This Blog

He had a serious moment of reflection.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Strep Throat What Does It Look Like

Pride and Presumption

(ie: let's talk about 'tits and ass or else I spun and I went into crisis, I know ...)

While we grow older and become wise in the meantime, then I think I understood only Recently something about my presumption. What has always made me believe that the exercise of pride in being a love affair that had nothing confrontational demonstration of weakness.
I have always believed that before a couple of my friends they did note that to avoid doing what he says little, which makes little that is exposed and even less, was in itself proof of courage, self-confidence.
The fallacious equation has always been: "I love you, so why should I hide?" Why should not I tell you, if I hear, loud and clear, even if we're arguing, even if you do the precious, the coy, the bitch (see you, as appropriate, in other words).
Mind you, is quite different from the famous let-them-see-you-bleed. This is not to come to admit "I feel bad for you, I suffer for what I do / etc does not make me."
fact, has often been a sign of complacency. Of willingness to listen. The rescue at times. How to throw a life preserver in the waves in the storm, hoping that the other there is clinging. In other words: it does not matter if we're saying things that we do not like, now. I still exist.
And then, by dint of slaughter me, I learned that this is far from proof of inner strength. Quite the contrary.
It's to step into the killing ground.
E 'a move stupid is the wrong choice, appreciated the generosity, courage was not found.
Pride and exercise are not stupid weakness. They are a defensive weapon.
not use it is foolish and deadly. Why
opponent who is holding a 9mm to the head, you can also say, arrogant, "If you do go ahead and pull the trigger, but be quick because I do not know shit and night here." And he probably will lower the gun.
They, the women pull the trigger.

Saturday, September 9, 2006

How Much Does The Lighter Life Program Costs

Creating Jack

Creating characters is not difficult.
The world of contemporary fiction is full of characters, more or less famous, more or less interesting, more or less original. Own
yellow or noir literature, the tendency to serialize - that is, to produce several novels which have in common the same protagonist - has been extended to other genres or subgenres.
The rationale is intuitive: I give life to a character, successful, loyal reader to it, causing it to "take" further adventures with the same protagonist.
I do not go crazy about the serial characters (read more )